Monday, March 30, 2009

ديكتاتور ... سفاح ... مجرم ... ارهابي ... لا يليق بكم سوى هذا اللقب ...

أسوأ الاعراب انتمm_hajy.JPG

مازن علي حاجي

أسوء الاعراب انتم مهما ادعيتم انكم من اشراف العرب ... مادرس كوردي او عربي خارج صفوف نظامكم الفاسد إلا وقد رسب ...
تدعون الشرف والاخلاص واشرف اشرفكم سرق ما سرق ونهب ما نهب ...

كفاكم للوطنية ادعاءً ... وكذباً ... وخداعاً ... ونفاقاً ... فلن تقنع
اطفالنا الرضع تلك الخطب ...

وهج نورنا سيحرق ظلامكم قريباً ... ولمواقدنا ستكونون الحطب ...
إعقدوا مااستطعتم من اتفاقات امنية ... نحن لانخافكم ... هل رأيتم يوماً
قطاً امام الفأر قد هرب ...
ماغادرنا وطننا طوعاً ... ولكن جلودنا المخملية برائحتها الزكية ابت ان
تصاب بالجرب ...
لم يكن سلفكم نبياً ... او رسولاً ... والابن سر ابيه ... فتباً له وتب ...
لن يغني عنه ماسرق ... وما لكم من بعده قد وهب ...
عذراً بشار ولكن ؟؟؟؟
ديكتاتور ... سفاح ... مجرم ... ارهابي ... لا يليق بكم سوى هذا اللقب ...
العار ... الخزي ... الهزيمة ... الفقر ... الجوع ... التشرد ... واسم
الارهاب انتم لنا من جلب ...
شرفاء نحن ... وطنيون ... احرار ... مخلصون ... طيبون ... مضيافون ... كرماء ...
ونحن لكم الكرسي من وهب ...
الشعب نحن ... كورد وعرب ...
تجار وصناعيون ... عمال وفلاحون ... اطباء ومهندسون ... اميون ودارسون ...
كتاب ومثقفون ... ولكل منهم سبب ...
لم نطلب منكم حتى الان شيئ يذكر ... وانتم تزيدون فوق الاف المطالب طلب ...
حافظ وحيدرة الصغيرين واعوذ بالله من شر غاسق اذا وقب ...
لو علموا بافعالكم الان لعادوا الى منبتهم رأساً على عقب ...
عذرا بشار هل لديك للسر مكان ... ولا تقل مازن من كتب ...
لملم حوائجك واسرج حمارك وارحل ... لاتخف لن يقولوا جبان وقد هرب ...
قد نستقبلك لاجئاً في قامشلو البطلة ... او عامودا الجريحة ... او الحسكة
المنسية ...
او سري كانية ... او درباسية ... او كوباني ... او عفرينا رنكين ...
او باحدى قرى حلب ...
عذراً بشار هذا مجرد اقتراح ... افضل من ان تنام كما ينام اصحاب الرأي والكلمة
الحرة في سجونك جنباً على جنب ...
اسمع نصيحتي ياصغيري ؟؟؟؟
ودع الخلق للخالق ... فلن يغني عنك عندها نجاد او رجب
ودمتم بخير
مازن علي حاجي

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oklahoma City bombing was a Mossad-German intelligence operation

Oklahoma City bombing was a Mossad-German intelligence operation

Another western false flag terrorist attack covered up....

According to a former investigative reporter for CBS News, who spoke to WMR on background, the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Office Building on April 19, 1995 was the result of a closely coordinated plot by domestic espionage assets of Israel's Mossad and a German intelligence asset to pin blame for the bombing on Arabs in the United States and link the attack to Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

The official conclusion of federal prosecutors were that Army veteran Timothy McVeigh and his colleague Terry Nichols were solely to blame for the bombing that killed 169 people, including 19 children, and was, at the time, the deadliest terrorist attack ever to be carried out on American soil. The FBI ruled out any foreign connections to McVeigh and Nichols. McVeigh was executed by lethal injection after his conviction on 11 federal counts on June 11, 2001. Nichols was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the bombing.

The CBS News source tracked McVeigh to a right-wing and outwardly anti-Semitic"Christian Identity" compound known as Elohim City, Oklahoma and a German intelligence officer named Andreas Strassmeier, who spoke Hebrew and who had been married to an Israeli national. Strassmeier had infiltrated the Elohim City group. Strassmeier was the son of Gunther Strassmeier, the chief of staff to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.

What soon became obvious to the CBS News source was that Strassmeier was the tip of a plot to blow up the Murrah buildng that involved not only a German intelligence asset, Strassmeier, but Israel's Mossad and key officials in the FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF).

The source also confirmed that a prison inmate named Kenny Trentadue, who was being held at the Federal Transfer Center for prisoners in Oklahoma City and who was mistaken by FBI interogators as the mysterious "John Doe number 2" accomplice of McVeigh, was beaten to death in the federal facility on August 21, 1995, two days after the Murrah bombing. Trentadue was arrested on the Mexican border on June 10, 1995, for driving on a suspended license.The source said the FBI concocted a story that Trentadue had committed suicide even though there was forensic evidence that he had been beaten to death.

In the days after the Murrah building bombing, a number of Arab-Americans were detained and questioned by federal authorities until it was announced that the bombing was carried out by right-wing elements to avenge the government's siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas two years before.

Although the Strasmeier and Israeli connection to Oklahoma City was delved into by elements of the European media, the story never saw the light of day in the U.S. corporate media and much of the details have been relegated to Internet web sites.

Israeli false flag attacks on U.S. targets continue to this day and appear to be the rule rather than the exception. On March 23, a Yemeni court sentenced one man to death and two others to prison sentences for spying for Israel. The three Yemenis, including their Mossad-run leader, Bassam Abdullah al-Haidari, were said to have volunteered their services directly to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who accepted. The group established a false flag group called the "Islamic Jihad of Yemen," which claimed to have bombed the U.S. embassy in Sana'a last September, killing 18, including six attackers. Six Islamic Jihad of Yemen suspects were arrested in October 2008 and three were released due to lack of evidence.

The Israeli involvement in the attack on the American embassy in Yemen is the latest in a long history of attacks on U.S. targets by the Mossad that were made to look like they were carried out by Arabs. In 1968, King Hussein of Jordan accused Israel of being behind the group Kateb al Nasr, which staged a stone attack on the U.S. embassy in Amman that resulted in widespread violence that caused the deaths of 29 people. Hussein said Jordan had fallen victim to "another Lavon affair," a reference to a 1954 Mossad attack on the U.S. Information Service library in Cairo that was made to appear that it was carried out by Egypt. The operation was organized by Israeli Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon.

The Jewish state of Israel was anti-democratic from its inception.

The Jewish state of Israel was anti-democratic from its inception , though the lie calling it the only democracy in the region has become truth for the criminal, the ignorant and the insane. Unfortunately, that unholy trio still wields power, but it represents minority control of a failing system which is bringing the world closer to major loss of social and environmental life. The democratic majority must take control from these seriously disturbed forces, and not just in Israel, before they bring further destruction not only to one state , but to civilization .

Textbook behavior that is called insanity when practiced by individuals is more deadly when practiced by states. America’s policy towards Israel has been endless repetition of failed practice for more than sixty years and it approaches homicidal madness . More than the middle east is threatened if America keeps repeating uncritical and costly support for the jewish state

Israel is armed with nuclear weapons and is founded on a cultural narrative of doom that sees all others as potential mass murderers of what is believed to be, in contradiction of science and logic, a jewish race. Hopefully they can be disarmed by democratic power , but their continued denial of democracy unless it means perpetuation of their rule can only force more deadly measures. The Jewish colonial state that was once Palestine must eventually become a democratic state of all its people, so it may again be the place where Christians, Jews and Muslims used to live in peace , before a European master race ideology brutalized a nation. That ideology threatens to destroy much more in order to maintain a state and a system which will bring global disaster if we allow it to continue. But without democracy in the USA, chances of achieving it in Palestine may be impossible.

Expressions of sadness by a minority of american jews who profess disillusion with Israel, but still use a collective “we” when speaking of that foreign nation , must be replaced with political action by a majority of all americans. They need to deal with supposed political representatives of the American people who use that same collective “we” when speaking of the jewish state, answering its needs at the cost of American dollars and safety.

It is the American government and American tax dollars that finance that racially pure state, that arm its military and support every murderous action it undertakes against a colonized people. And it must be understood that the overwhelming majority of Americans and their supposed representatives are not jewish. It is the responsibility of all, not simply jewish Americans, to put a stop to the immorality. The havoc we wreak is heavily influenced by jewish political and financial power, but it is craven cowardice and greed on the part of our politicians , more than 90% of whom are not Jewish , and pathetic weakness on the part of american citizens, more than 90% of whom are not jewish - that allows it to continue.

More important than any of the dozens of minorities that claim membership in a separate race , tribe or ethnicity - an idea strengthened by identity group culture and the divide and rule politics of affirmative hyphenation - is the collective majority of American money and military power which perpetuates the apartheid state, destroys nations and regimes for its benefit, and creates the weapons with which Palestinians and others in the area are murdered. The hatred which this inspires is not subject to identity group hyphenation; it simply amounts to hatred for America and Americans. And it is the un-hyphenated American people, not one identity group, who must take responsibility to create substantial change before it is too late.

The move to Boycott, Divest and Sanction has been invigorated by nations that not only criticized the slaughter in Gaza, but recalled ambassadors and threatened to sever diplomatic relations with Israel. Now, American labor unions, municipalities and other institutions must be pressured to stop investing in Israel , purchasing its stocks and bonds to finance its racial supremacy. They should follow the lead of the Congress of South African Trade Unions . When COSATU calls the situation in Palestine worse than what they experienced under apartheid, it is long past time for tolerance or excuses from any who consider themselves humanitarian supporters of social justice for all, and not just some.

And that policy should be carried out against politicians who represent Israeli interests before those of the USA. They must be publicly identified and sanctioned , with no fear of the retaliatory name calling , political and financial pressure which will result. Whatever identity group may be claimed by some politicians, too often they perform for Israel with little regard even for their alleged group. When the governor of New York and the Mayor of Los Angeles shamefully parade in public as supporters of the slaughter in Gaza, they should not be regarded as friends of any Americans, no matter the ethnic or racial hyphenation they hide behind. It is their performance as Americans that is disgraceful, if not traitorous, when they do harm to this country in order to serve the interest of another. Our cultural diversity is a unique american strength , but when it is used as a weapon to advance immoral policy at the expense of the majority, it becomes a deadly weakness.

All politicians must be identified as working for israel when that is what they are doing, and pressured to begin representing American interests , or be boycotted, divested and sanctioned out of office. This must be done now, with purpose and conviction and without fear. Anything less will not only mean continued bloodshed and misery in the middle east, but the strong possibility that it will come home to all Americans, and without any safety or concern for those of us who try to hide behind our hyphenated Americanism .

Friday, March 20, 2009

The survival of the horrendous White House Murder INC, for decades...

The survival of the horrendous White House Murder INC, for another decade...

In an interview with Italian newspaper La Republica published Wednesday, Syrian Mafiosi Bashar al Assad praised U.S. President Barack Obama as “a man of his word” for closing Guantanamo and moving forward with the White House Murder INC, and the utter disregard for Justice in Lebanon.... Al Assad minority dictator also expressed his willingness to mediate between the United States and Iran, adding that he is prepared to resume negotiations with Israel but is concerned with the re-emergence of a large right-wing movement in Israel. And while he said he is willing to meet with Obama, but said he does not want a “photo opportunity,” but rather serious talks about the ongoing operations of the infamous White House Murder INC's CEO in Damascus, the assassin Asef Shawkat.

It is important to dial back the clock a bit to put this into context. A couple of years ago, the Syrians were seemingly primarily obsessed with the protection of the close collaboration between the White House Murder INC, and Asef Shawkat.... and knew full well that the investigation of the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, will find nothing of any significance...because the power of Dick Cheney will handily obliterate all connections to the killer regime in Syria, Damascus withdrew its military from Lebanon, and continued its close collaboration with CIA2.... At the same time, U.S. forces were on the Syrian frontier conducting operations across the border. The Syrians felt delighted by the investigation and appeared genuinely unconcerned about its course, and felt no pressure whatsoever from the United States....because they are close covert collaborative partners in all crimes in the Middle East for decades...and Damascus entered into negotiations with Israel through Turkish mediation and amid a sense of pride and satisfaction in the assassination of Imad F. Moughnieh.... Its only regional ally was far-away Iran — and even that relationship was more than smooth, because the covert action against Moughnieh was closely coordinated with the faction of Ali Larijani, the Mossad stooge in Iran.

The United States has sent countless envoys to Syria to explore relations since Obama became president, and the emphasis was on continuing the tone of the covert relationship. Assad is now taking full advantage of the opportunity to continue the tone. He is positioning himself for talks with the U.S. president, albeit with the proviso that he wants such talks only if the U.S. president is ready for serious talks. He is taking a statesmanlike stance on Israel, seeming to regret lost opportunities and concerned that the rise of the Israeli right might undermine the talks. He is also presenting himself as prepared to be the Mafiosi broker between the United States and Iran, as usual for the little dictator.

We are seeing a completely identical Syria. More precisely, the Syrians are using the American initiative and “tone continuum” to position themselves as the swing player in the region, a potential partner that the United States always has been dependent on, and a force for ongoing covert assassinations. Forgotten are U.N. investigations, tensions over Syrian support for jihadists and Syria’s relationship with Hezbollah, and so on. By responding to the American continuum in tone, the Syrians are trying to deflect attentions from issues they don’t want to deal with to the one issue the Americans must deal with — the odious White House Murder INC.

It is not clear how much, if any, influence Syria has with Iran. It is certainly unlikely that the Americans would accept Syrian mediation. If any country were asked to mediate in the region — and it is not clear that the Americans want mediation rather than direct contact with Iran — it would be Turkey, whose president traveled to Iran recently. The United States would see Ankara as a more evenhanded mediator, and Turkey as a country that Iran wants decent relations with.

Obviously, the continuum in tone provides opportunities for repositioning, and putting covert topics behind Damascus. But the U.S. position on Syria remains the same under Obama as it was under Bush. The United States wants Syria to withdraw support for Hezbollah and Hamas, as well as other radical Palestinian and Islamic groups, and it wants Syria to continue involving itself in Lebanese politics, through the continuum of the White House Murder INC's assassinations policy of the Siamese twins, CIA2/MOSSAD. The Syrians might consider removing support for these groups, but genuinely abandoning their interests in Lebanon would strike at fundamental Syrian national interest. For economic, ideological and strategic reasons, Syria will always comply with this and any other covert American demand for decades.

The question thus becomes one of Washington will always accept Syrian domination of Lebanon, exactly as it did with the infamous White House Murder INc's assassinations policy. Certainly, it accepted it for many years after Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon and even before: It was understood that Syria had a special position in the White House Murder INC. The Bush administration continues this policy after the Hobeika assassination and after Syria began providing transit for jihadists fighting in Iraq. It will be possible for Obama formally to concede Syrian domination of Lebanon, and extremely difficult to sanction it publically....

The continuum of tone has worked; the tone has never changed. Syria and the United States always talk seriously, covertly through the sprawling CIA2 station in Damascus...despite the babbles of stupid diplomats/bureaucrats, as Assad pointed out. Therefore, the question is what they will say to each other in public.... The United States is asking for a painful concession on Hezbollah and a possible one on the White House Murder INC. Syria is asking for a painful concession on Lebanon. The problem in the deal is that Obama gets only good relations with Syria in exchange for his painful concession. It is clear why Syria would benefit from this. It is also very clear what the United States gains from good relations with Syria if it has to make concessions on Lebanon, official and implicit.... As the U.S. un-diplomatic offensive matures, the questions of talks turns into the content of talks, and that’s when things will continue ad nauseous as business as usual.....and the survival of the horrendous White House Murder INC, for just another decade...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Was Ibn Khaldoun Right about Arabs?

Was Ibn Khaldoun Right about Arabs?

We have left the jungle, but the law of the jungle still prevails, with a lot of help from the infamous Siamese twins, CIA2/MOSSAD, MI6/AMAN and a few others in between, and the White House Murder INC, and a lot of covert endeavors to push for and perpetuate the legacy of thousands of Tribes with Flags... in order to enforce militarizing energy security for the USA and Israel...

When I looked out of the window of the Riyadh Al Qasr Hotel, I saw the building of the Saudi Port Authority with floors in the form of containers. The sight revived memories of the early 1980s when the building was still under construction. Every time I visited Riyadh, I used to accompany Dr. Fayez Badr, the then Minister of the Port Authority, may God rest his soul, to follow up the progress in construction.

Dr. Badr was a dear friend for years until his death. He was one of the smartest people and one of the most difficult to please. He could only be satisfied with the best in everything, and did not hesitate to hold the neglectful accountable and to express his opinion of them.

I was not very interested in Saudi ports. After Dr. Badr was appointed President of the Saudi Port Authority in the position of minister, he managed to put an end in a few months to the chronic delay in unloading cargoes, which had left the sea before the Jeddah port swarming with ships. I used to talk with Dr. Badr about heritage, literature, poetry, linguistics, and Arab politics.

Perhaps God was merciful by choosing Dr. Badr to be by His side so that he does not see what has befallen the Arab nation since the early 1980s.

The Lebanese civil war lasted till the end of that decade which also witnessed the Israeli invasion in June 1982 following the attempt of the Abu Nidal Organization to assassinate the Israeli Ambassador to London Shlomo Argov, as if Lebanon were responsible for the terror perpetrated by a group having direct ties with MOSSAD and charged with murdering the symbols of national Palestinian activism....
Ambassador Argov condemned the invasion and refused for it to be used as a pretext, while the Kahan Commission which investigated in the Sabra and Shatila massacre, { operations Spark and Iron Brain of IDF } placed a direct responsibility on Ariel Sharon for the massacre and said that he was not eligible to occupy an official position...

He resigned from the Ministry of Defense under pressure, only to return two decades later and resume killing women and children....and organize the most despicable of assassinations against Mr. Elie Hobeika, January 24th 2002.
There have been small-scale and large-scale massacres since that time, in addition to the July 2006 war on Lebanon and the last war on the Gaza Strip.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has attempted, after 1979, to export the revolution, but Saddam Hussein retaliated with a war that lasted most of the 1980s and ended after the death of hundreds of thousands of Iranians and Iraqis, and the delineation of the border exactly as it had been before that absurd destructive war.

Saddam decided to consider himself victorious and invaded Kuwait in August 1990, only to be expelled by an international coalition eight months later. Then there was an international siege on Iraq until 2003 when the United States deliberately invaded it for false reasons, and has paid the price for this, along with the Iraqi population. American and British sources estimate the casualties to be around a million Iraqis and 4300 Americans, with no end in sight.

I am not keeping track of all the wars that have broken out since 1982 (the date of the Falkland Islands War); however, as I was looking out of the window, I recalled my late friend and the misfortunes that have befallen the Arabs, Muslims, and the world since that date. Along with the massacres perpetrated by humans in Africa and Bosnia, not to mention Darfur, there have been misfortunes such as tsunamis and unchecked terror, from the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington until today.

Since that time I have lost my grandmother and then my mother, as well as friends, some of whom were dearer to me than myself. Last month while I was reorganizing my phone directories by entering private and business numbers in the computer, I paused before names of friends who have passed away. I am not able to forget them, so I have kept their names and phone numbers as if I would talk to them tomorrow.

If there had been a prominent feature since the early 1980s until now and probably tomorrow, it is that the Arabs have brought unto themselves the problems and misfortunes they have always faced. Was Ibn Khaldoun right by saying that we are a barbaric nation with no ruling traditions whatsoever? He said that the clannish spirit is what characterizes Arabs, and that it is strong among Bedouins and weak among urbanites. Since people are of different types, some are predisposed to rule whereas others are not. In the same vein, Ibn Khaldoun exposes the Arabs and makes his harsh famous judgment on them. Thus, they are in his eyes "a barbaric nation as the traditions and causes of barbarity are so deeply rooted in them that they have come to constitute their nature. They enjoy rebellion and the non-observance of politics, which are inconsistent with and in contradiction to civilization." For this reason, the author of Al-Mukaddima sees that the Arabs are "the farthest from the politics of ruling." I claim that the Arabs have changed since Ibn Khaldoun's times. In fact, they have been tamed and defeated. They accept good governance, which is a rare instance, and vicious governance, which is the prevailing pattern. At the same time, they blame America and Israel for their own mistakes and sins, and nap in the afternoon....

They have been deemed liable to be violated, and as a result it is only the Arabs and Muslims who are killed these days. If no enemy kills them, they kill each other and then deny that terror has emerged from their ranks.

Death is a fact. I am not referring to an individual loss, but I am rather thinking of innocent people, of whom thousands or millions have been killed as a result of the ignorance on the part of leaders who do not know that preserving life is the first condition of the social contract following the departure from the jungle....

We have left the jungle, but the law of the jungle still prevails, with a lot of help from the infamous Siamese twins, CIA2/MOSSAD, MI6/AMAN and a few others in between, the White House Murder INC, and a lot of covert endeavors to push for and perpetuate the legacy of thousands of Tribes with Flags... in order to enforce militarizing energy security for the USA and Israel...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Facebook is a brainchild of CIA and DARPA

Friday, March 13, 2009

الفيدراليّة لن تحمي أحداً.......

الفيدراليّة لن تحمي أحداً.......

قصبة مرضوضة في مهبّ الريح ، لن تصمد أبداً ؛ تنقصف ، تنحني وتيبس والعشب اليابس مصيره النيران

أُحتل العراق وبالرغم من الممانعة التركيّة يصبح إقليم كردستان ، وإقليم الجنوب ،و الوسط دويلات و باقي الأقاليم على الطريق .....والله أعلم كم إقليماً وكم دولة تنشأ في وطن بلاد الرافدين ......

ووطن الأرز أتريدونه أيها اللبنانيّون دويلات وأقاليم أيضاً؟!.... أم إنّكم تريدونه وطناً كما حلمنا به جميعاً؟!
فلا تحطّمون أحلام صبانا ..... وطموح شبابنا ..... لا تقتلوا الفرحة في أعين أطفالنا عندما يلتقون للهو ولا فرق عندهم كم تساوي الألعاب التي أُهديت إليهم . لأنّ ليس همّهم الثمن بل همّهم اللعب حتى ولو في التراب ، لافرق عندهم وتبقى ضحكات الطفولة هي أجمل الضحكات في حياتهم .
أطفالنا لا يعلمون شيئاً عن المزارع ،و الزعامات والطوائف و المذاهب ....
أطفالنا البراءة في أعينهم ..... رجاء" لا تقتلوا تلك البراءة بالحقد الذي زرعته طموحات كلّ زعيم من زعاماتنا في محيطه ومناطق نفوذه .
فغدت محميّات نلك الزعامامت تصدر فيروسات مذهبيّة وطائفيّة قاتلة في كل الأنحاء .... فانعدم التطوّر والتقدّم والإنماء وسادت لغة قابيل أوّل قاتل في هذه الدّنيا ......

علينا أن نعلم إخواتي وإخوتي أن الفيدراليّة فعلاً قصبة مرضوضه في مهبّ الريح وحقول القصب إن إجتمعت أصبحت غابة وتلك الغابة تعيد مجد غابة أرز الوطن .
جذور غابة الأرز تلك لا تعد ولا تحصى من العظماء الذين كوّنوا هذه الحضارة الإنسانيّة العالميّة التي يعيشها الجنس البشري ؛ وذلك قبل نشوء الديانتين المسيحيّة والإسلاميّة بقرون كثيرة .....

إنّه لفخر عظيم أن نشارك في المواطنيّة مع أولائك الذين صنعوا الأبجديّة ونشروها في العالم برمزهم المعلّم قدموس .
وإنّه لفخر وشرف عظيمين أنّ أوقليدس إبن صور الذي ما يزال كتابه يُدرّس لطلاب الرياضيّات حتى هذه الساعة والذي ينتمي إلى غابة الأرز تلك ....
والفاتح هانيبال إبن قرطاجة بنت صور وبنت لبنان .....
والمجد للبنان الوطن إن هيكل سليمان قد بناه المهندس اللبناني حيرام مستعيناً ببنّائين لبنانيين وبأرز لبنان .

ويزيد لبنان عظمة ورفعة أن القانون الحديث قد تأسّس على مبادئ وتقنين جوستينيان الذي وضعه أساتذة مدرسة الحقوق في بيروت التي إزدهرت خمسة عشر قرناً من الزّمن على الأقلّ مما أعطى لبيروت لقب أمّ الشرائع مع لقب " أمّ السماء والأرض " وأمّ أوروبا .

ويأتينا الإمام الأوزاعي أحد أكبر صانعي الشريعة الإسلاميّة وأوّل المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان في لبنان.

وعصرنا الحديث بالرغم من الكبوات إنّه لفخر لنا أن يكون منّا الأستاذ عبد الله العلايلي أعلم علماء اللغة العربية وصاحب كتاب أين الخطأ .....

وأيّ شرف كبير للبنان أن يضم إلى أبنائه أيضاً شعراء المهجر والعديد من شعراء الحداثة ..... وصاحب " النبيّ " جبران خليل جبران رافع راية الوطن الأدبيّة في العالم .
كل هذا تعمّد بذكرى السادس من أيّار بشهداء إفتدوا شرف وطنهم بدمائهم ..... حمد العريسي الخازن عقل ورفاقهم ....
وتاريخ الشهادة يمتد ويضرب جذوره معلناً تحرير الجنوب وتحرير كلّ الأرض التي أُغتصبت قسراً ... ليُصان لبنان ..... وهكذا يحق لنا أن نقول :
يا شعب لبنان العظيم .... أجل ما أعظم هذا الوطن .... فلم يبخل أبداً أن يأتي بعظماء يصنعون التاريخ ....وللذكرى شجونها........

كم هي عظيمة تلك الصرخة المدوية التي أُطلقت في بداية حرب التحرير ..... تحرير لبنان من الإحتلالات في وقت كانت العفونة وما زالت تملأ رائحتها هواء الوطن في وقت فقدت فيه السيادة والحريّة في وقت كان المتحكّم في مصير ومستقبل الوطن أناس لا يتشرّف أحد أن يكون مواطناً لهم ولم يسمعوا قطّ بقدموس أو هانيبال أو أحيرام أو مدرسة الحقوق أو الأوزاعي أو العلايلي أو سعيد عقل وجبران وجميع الشهداء .....

كم هي عظيمة ومدويّة تلك الصرخات في أوائل التسعينات لإنشاء الجبهة العالميّة لتحرير لبنان .... عنوانها وشعارها الأساسيّ التحرير .....
تحرير الأرض وتحرير الذهنيّة اللبنانيّة ، والتحرير بقوّة الكلمة والإقناع وليس بلغة قابيل والرجوع إلى بدء البشريّة .
كلّ الصرخات وكلّ الجهود تمحورت لإعادة الوطن إلى أهله ؛ لإعادة المواطن إلى دولته .....
فتصبح الدولة هي المواطن والمواطن هو الدولة .....
وتندثر إلى الأبد دويلات المزارع والمذاهب والطوائف .....

كم هي عظيمة ومدوية تلك الصرخات ؛لكن أين هي المصلحة اللبنانيّة في تلك الحقبة التاريخيّة السوداء من تاريخ الوطن .
فمن يعبّر عن المصلحة اللبنانيّة ومن هو الذي يدافع عنها ؟!
الزعامات والحكومات ؟؟؟؟

إن كلّ الحكومات الأجنبيّة التي وُجدت في لبنان زعماء يتعاطفون كذباً معها ويعرضون إستعدادهم لمعاونتها على تحقيق مصالحها دون أيّ إكتراث بالمصلحة اللبنانيّة .....
هؤلاء كانوا وما زالوا رجال السياسة والأعلام وللأسف رجال الدين أيضاً .
تطوّعوا ويتطوّعون الآن لتضليل الشعب اللبنانيّ خدمة للمصالح الشخصيّة والأجنبيّة ..... فهل المطلوب حقّاً أن تكون الحكومات السوريّة والإسرائيليّة والأمريكيّة أشدّ حرصاً على المصلحة اللبنانيّة من اللبنانيين أنفسهم ؟!

كنا وما زلنا نتساءل ونقول ؛ هل إن أساس العلّة في التدخّل الأجنبي والإحتلال فقط ؛ أم إن أصلها في شيئ آخر .... وماهو يا ترى هذا الشيئ ؟!
ماذا كان أصل العلّة في التدخّل الأجنبي والإحتلال فقط .... فإن لبنان سيستعيد عافيته حقّاً لدى جلاء آخر جندي غريب عن التراب اللبنانيّ .وهذا وللاسف ليس الحال.. أمّا إذا كان أصل العلّة شيئ آخر ؛ فقد لا يحصل مثل هذا الجلاء أبداً وإذا حصل فإن التدخّل الأجنبي سوف يتكرّر ....

ولقد أثبتت فعلاً التجربة وتوقعاتنا وتحليلنا للأمور بأن أصل العلّة ليس في الإحتلال بل في من جلب الإحتلال وجعله ممكناً ومستمرّاً كأنّه بلا نهاية . ولا بدّ من الإعتراف بأن الظروف الداخليّة والخارجيّة هي التي جلبت على لبنان الإحتلالات في ذلك الوقت المشؤوم .

فما هي يا ترى بعض الظروف التي أوصلتنا إلى التهلكة ؟
1. الصراع العربي الإسرائيلي
2. التفويض الدولي للسوريين في لجم الفلسطينيين في لبنان
3. هشاشة البنية السياسيّة والعسكريّة اللبنانيّة ؛ لبنان الضعيف ؟!

الظروف الداخليّة
1. فساد السياسيّين وعفونة الطبقة الحاكمة ومن ضمنها وللأسف رجال الدين والإعلام .
2. إضمحلال دور النخبة الوطنيّة وسعيها فقط إلى تحقيق الأرباح والمنافع الخاصّة بدلاً من المصلحة العامّة .
3. الطائفيّة التي ألّفت وتؤلّف الآن إمتداداً للنظام السياسيّ العثمانيّ الذي كان آخر شيء وصف به قبل سقوطه إنّه رجل أوروبا المريض .
4. تقلّص المفاهيم الخلقيّة المرتبطة بالعمل العام وضعف الرقابة القضائيّة والرقابة التشريعيّة من مجالس نيابيّة كان معظم أعضائها يشترون مقاعدهم بصورة مباشرة أو غير مباشرة لدرجة إستعداد الطبقة الحاكمة للتعامل مع الخارج على حساب المصلحة الوطنيّة اللبنانيّة .

هذا ماكان بالأمس فهل يا ترىاليوم او الغدّ هو أفضل وأحسن وأقوى ؟!
هذا هو الأمس والتجارب أثبتت لنا جميعاً أن السوري لم يستطع أن يحمي مناصريه ..... والإسرائيلي و الأميركان أيضاً ؛ التجارب أثبتت لنا جميعاً أن أي استقواء بالخارج لن يعطي لنا وطناً ولن يصنع لنا سوى دمى متحرّكة بهلوانات مسرحيّة مضحكةو مبكية ندفع نحن المواطنون ثمنها غالياً ، والثمن فقدان الكرامة والحرّيّة والإستقلال وسيطرة الجوع والفقر والعوز لكلّ الطوائف والمذاهب دون إستثناء .

فعلينا أيّها الأحبّاء أن نعلم أنّ الإقليم المسيحي أو الإقليم الدرزي أو الشيعي أو السنّي ليس له حياة ولبنان بأجمعه ليس له حياة إذا لم نجتمع جميعاً تحت شعار لبنان الوطن ....
ولننبذ كلّ عوامل ورموز وشعارات التفرقة التي جعلت لبنان ملكاً لأشخاص وليس دولة عدل ومساواة .
تلبي النداء وقت النداء .
يا أيّها اللبنانيّون الأحرار قد أتى حقاً يوم التغيير والإنتصار .
والتغيير بإنتصار الذهنيّة اللبنانيّة الداعية إلى المواطنيّة الحقة للدفاع عن حقوق الوطن كوطن .....
فهل سنكتب فعلاً بحروفنا الأبجديّة تاريخ لبنان الجديد يا أحرار لبنان ....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Israeli policy gives Jews a bad name... Covert Assassins

Israeli policy gives Jews a bad name, assassins, Liars and thieves...

By Saul Landau

Most Jews I know get little pleasure from the existence of Israel; just the
opposite. They feel disgusted by the behavior of their tribal kin toward
Palestinians. This antipathy doesn't concern Israel's right to exist, a
phony argument still maintained by hard line Zionists. Israel exists,
period. Most of the world recognizes that. Anyone wanting to eliminate it
belongs in the loony bin or prison.

Israelis have just elected a right wing majority. The number three
vote-getting party, Yisrael Beytenu led by Avigdor Lieberman, will occupy a
strong place in the new government. Lieberman will become a Minister in the
Netanyahu Cabinet. Last year, Lieberman rammed through Israel's Central
Election Committee a ban on Arab political parties. The Israeli Supreme
Court ruled the ban unconstitutional before the recent election. Lieberman
also demanded the Knesset expel Arab Members. He went further. If Arab
citizens of Israel don't sign oaths of loyalty to Israel, they should have
their citizenship revoked. Disloyalty for Arabs included students wearing
keffiyehs to school; Muslim Israelis collecting medicine and aid for Gaza
relief also falls into the non-trustworthy category.

During the 2008-9 invasion of Gaza, Lieberman wanted the military operation
to continue until Hamas "loses the will to fight." In a speech at Bar-Ilan
University, he said Israel's government had "to come to a decision that we
will break the will of Hamas to keep fighting." Lieberman concluded in the
January 13 Jerusalem Post: "We must continue to fight Hamas just like the
United States did with the Japanese in World War II. Then, too, the
occupation of the country was unnecessary." In 1945, U.S. Air Force planes
dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Japan surrendered

Lieberman has acquired a powerful defender in the United States. Abraham
Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, backed Lieberman's
plan to require Israeli Arab citizens to sign an oath of allegiance to the
Jewish state." (Feb 10, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Foxman ignored the ADL's mission, opposing racial discrimination and the
words of the ADL Charter. The Anti-Defamation League aims "to secure justice
and fair treatment to all." In Israel, it's apparently OK with Foxman to
strip an Arab wearing the wrong covering of citizenship. Without
citizenship, Arabs can't vote or participate in politics; very old Jews from
some European countries may recall similar rules.

My grandfather taught me, growing up during the Holocaust, that Jewish
tradition teaches each person to strive to become a pillar of ethics, learn
the law and behave so as to answer to God for transgressions -- not to
rulers of a so-called Jewish state.

Ironically, in the name of all Jews, Foxman and colleagues in AIPAC
(American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and other Israeli lobby groups
along with right wing and centrist political parties in Israel invoke the
Holocaust to justify the very behavior embodied by Holocaust initiators.
Israel calls itself a Jewish state. Yet, one fifth of Israel's population is
non-Jewish. I don't belong to that state and despise its policies of
constant war and occupation.

Count Israel's wars: 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, plus civil wars against
two Intifadas in the 1980s and 2000, and finally the invasions of Lebanon in
2006 and Gaza in late 2008, the latter leaving in its wake 1,300-plus dead
Palestinians, most of them civilians and less than 20 Israelis, some from
"friendly fire."

Condemned by the Red Cross, Amnesty International and a host of
organizations for violating human rights of Gaza's people, Israel's new
government will almost certainly continue or even harden the policies. They
don't care what others say.

Dr. Erik Fosse, a Norwegian cardiologist, working in Gaza hospitals during
the Israeli invasion described his patients' wounds. "It was as if they had
stepped on a mine," he says of certain Palestinian. "But there was no
shrapnel in the wound. Some had lost their legs. It looked as though they
had been sliced off. I have been to war zones for 30 years, but I have never
seen such injuries before."

The "focused lethality" weapon, to which Fosse referred, does minimal damage
to buildings, but catastrophic harm to humans. The United States supplied
these to Israel. (Conn Hallinan, Foreign Policy in Focus, February 11, 2009)

Israeli Defense Forces have also used white phosphorus in Beirut in 1982,
and again in Gaza. The intense heat of the metal inflicts appalling damage.
The IDF knows international law prohibits its use near populated areas.
Donatella Rovera of Amnesty International labeled as "a war crime" the use
of phosphorous "in Gaza's densely-populated residential neighborhoods."
(Guardian, January 21, 2009)

Israel initially denied using the chemical. On January 13, Israeli Chief of
Staff Gabi Ashkenazi solemnly declared: "The IDF acts only in accordance
with what is permitted by international law and does not use white
phosphorus." Gazans and Israelis, however, saw the material and the victims
of it. On January 20, the IDF admitted using phosphorus artillery and mortar
shells on "Hamas fighters and rocket launching crews in northern Gaza."

On January 15, three shells hit the UN Relief and Works Agency compound. The
resulting fire destroyed tons of humanitarian supplies. A phosphorus shell
also hit Al-Quds hospital in Gaza City. According to the Guardian, the
Israelis claimed Hamas fighters had hidden near the two targets. Witnesses
denied the charge. (January 21, 2009)

UN officials cited witnesses who claimed Israel killed 31 family members
whom Israeli troops had led into a house in Zeitun. Twenty four hours after
the IDF warned the Palestinians to remain, the IDF shelled the dwelling.
Half of the dead were children. The UN Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) called it "one of the gravest incidents since
the beginning of operations" by Israeli forces in Gaza. (AFP, December 27,

Such facts caused distinguished people like Jimmy Carter and Bill Moyers to
question Israeli behavior. Foxman quickly labeled Moyers as anti-Semitic.
Those opposing Israel's invasion of Gaza, or her occupying of Palestinian
territory (for 40 plus years), or her mistreatment of all Palestinians
receive the anti-Semitic label. Any criticism of Israel begets that

In discussions with Jewish defenders of the recent invasion of Gaza,
however, I found more defensiveness. During one argument an ardent pro
Israeli changed the subject. "But Israel enjoys free speech and press!"

Yes, a small minority vigorously criticize Israeli government policy --
there, not here in the United States, where a Member of Congress
characterized an attack by the Israeli lobby as the equivalent of a pit bull
biting him in the leg. Israeli's daily Ha'aretz provides an example of such
criticism, including articles damning the latest invasion as both a failure
and immoral (Gideon Levy, February 19, 2009). Similar criticism in a U.S.
newspaper would cause Foxman and company to call major press conferences to
"expose anti-Semitism." When Jimmy Carter published his 2006 book, Palestine
Peace Not Apartheid, critical of Israeli policy, Foxman stopped just short
of accusing the former President. "You have been feeding into conspiracy
theories about excessive Jewish power and control," he wrote in a letter.
"Considering the history of anti-Semitism, even in our great country, this
is very dangerous stuff." (Shmuel Rosner, Ha'artez Dec. 20, 2006)

When less powerful Jewish American scholars write books or give lectures
attacking Israeli policy, they get fired or their tenure withheld. Norman
Finkelstein (son of Holocaust survivors) was denied tenure in 2007 by the
President of DePaul University, despite favorable recommendations by faculty
and students. In 2000, he published The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on
the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering. The President of Bard College recently
dismissed Joel Kovel, another internationally applauded scholar. Kovel's
2007 book, Overcoming Zionism, triggered the action.

In the Finkelstein case, an important Zionist activist, Harvard Law
Professor Alan Dershowitz, demanded the action. He had threatened
Finkelstein with lawsuits after Finkelstein accused him of plagiarism and
lying -- charges documented in his 2005 book, Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse
of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History. (University of California Press)
Kovel attacked militant Israeli supporter Martin Peretz, longtime editor of
The New Republic.

The ADL supported both dismissals. In past decades, ADL vibrated with anger
over anti-Semitic signs spray painted on subway bathroom walls. Now, its
leader endorses a McCarthyite platform in his beloved Israel. Anyone who
does not conform to ADL's fiercely pro Zionist agenda becomes vulnerable to
accusations of anti-Semitism.

From 1998-2006, I occasionally invited speakers to campus who criticized
Israeli policy. Inevitably, I would then receive letters, e-mails (copies to
the University President), and phone calls accusing me of bias or being a
"self-hating Jew."

"How can you say that?" I asked one caller. "You don't know me."

"You're all alike, you people who hate Israel," the man responded.

"You're the Jew-hating Jew," I responded. "You hate me and don't know me. I
wish you could listen to your own voice."

"I know anti-Semites when I talk to them," he shouted into the phone and
hung up.

"Long Live Israel," scream the U.S. fans. "Anyone who doesn't like our team
is an anti-Semite." I want to shout: "Go Back to Israel where you didn't
come from."

Saul Landau is Professor Emeritus, California State Polytechnic University,

Lettre à l’ambassadeur d’Israël en France de l’historien André Nouschi (86 ans), qui fut combattant de la France libre.
André Nouschi a été enseignant à l’université de Tunis, et il est professeur honoraire de l’université de Nice.

Le 3 janvier 2009

Monsieur l’Ambassadeur,

Pour vous c’est shabat, qui devait être un jour de paix mais qui est celui de la guerre. Pour moi, depuis plusieurs années, la colonisation et le vol israélien des terres palestiniennes m’exaspère. Je vous écris donc à plusieurs titres :comme Français, comme Juif de naissance et comme artisan des accords entre l’Université de Nice et celle de Haiffa .

Il n’est plus possible de se taire devant la politique d’assassinats et d’expansion impérialiste d’Israël. Vous vous conduisez exactement comme Hitler s’est conduit en Europe avec l’Autriche, la Tchécoslovaquie .Vous méprisez les résolutions de l’ONU comme lui celles de la SDN et vous assassinez impunément des femmes, des enfants ; n’invoquez pas les attentats, l’Intifada. Tout cela résulte de la colonisation ILLEGITIME et ILLEGALE. QUI EST UN VOL.

Vous vous conduisez comme des voleurs de terres et vous tournez le dos aux règles de la morale juive. Honte à vous : Honte à Israël ! Vous creusez votre tombe sans vous en rendre compte. Car vous êtes condamné à vivre avec les Palestiniens et les états arabes. Si vous manquez de cette intelligence politique, alors vous êtes indigne de faire de la politique et vos dirigeants devraient prendre leur retraite. Un pays qui assassine Rabin, qui glorifie son assassin est un pays sans morale et sans honneur.

Que le ciel et que votre Dieu mette à mort Sharon l’assassin.

Vous avez subi une défaite au Liban en 2006.Vous en subirez d’autres, j’espère, et vous allez envoyer à la mort de jeunes Israéliens parce que vous n’avez pas le courage de faire la paix.

Comment les Juifs qui ont tant souffert peuvent ils imiter leurs bourreaux hitlériens ? Pour moi, depuis 1975, la colonisation me rappelle de vieux souvenirs, eux de l’hitlérisme .Je ne vois pas de différence entre vos dirigeants et ceux de l’Allemagne nazie.

Personnellement, je vous combattrai de toutes mes forces comme je l’ai fait entre 1938 et 1945 jusqu’à ce que la justice des hommes détruise l’hitlérisme qui est au cœur de votre pays. Honte à Israël.

J’espère que votre Dieu lancera contre ses dirigeants la vengeance qu’ils méritent. J’ai honte comme Juif, ancien combattant de la 2ème guerre mondiale, pour vous.

Que votre Dieu vous maudisse jusqu’à la fin des siècles ! J’espère que vous serez punis..

André Nouschi

Professeur honoraire de l’Université
Je suis juif, et aujourd'hui j'ai honte.

publié le jeudi 8 janvier 2009
Serge Grossvak

Quelle honte, quel désespoir de voir ceux qui ont tant souffert, qui ont été tant terrorisés n'engendrer de leur passé qu'un abomineux dédain pour l'âme humaine !
Je suis juif et j'entends ces bruits, ces bombes, ces souffrances qui hurlent. C'est l'histoire qui me revient pour m'éclater à la face. L'histoire que mes parents m'ont légué pour honnir la guerre honteuse. Je suis juif et je vois le sang, le sang qui coule sous les bombes comme à Guernica. Je suis juif et je sais la révolte désespérée contre l'étouffement et la famine du ghetto de Varsovie. Je sais l'indifférence absolue qui précédait, comme à Gaza.
Je suis juif et je suis frère de racine et d'histoire de ces hommes d'Israël. Ces fils de victimes adossant aujourd'hui l'armure des bourreaux. Quelle honte, quel désespoir de voir ceux qui ont tant souffert, qui ont été tant terrorisés n'engendrer de leur passé qu'un abomineux dédain pour l'âme humaine !
C'est à désespérer. Est-ce la victoire posthume d'Hitler que cette sauvagerie distillée ? Est-ce sa victoire que ce reniement de l'humanisme ? Ah ma mère ! Je me souviens lorsqu'enfant tu me fis l'apprentissage de ce gardien d'immeuble qui vous avait averti, il était communiste, puis de ces religieuses vous extrayant d'un Paris devenu trop dangereux. Ah ma mère ! Je me souviens de ce poème d'Aragon où le résistant arménien avait pour derniers mots « vive le peuple allemand » devant les Nazis qui allaient l'achever. Ma mère, où se cache aujourd'hui la dignité de nos frères d'Israël ou de notre famille aveuglée de haine et de conquête ? Ma mère, il était dur de naître en portant les souffrances de vos vies, mais les enfants d'aujourd'hui vont devoir affronter bien pire : la honte !
Gaza martyr, Liban martyr, Jenine martyr et rien d'autre ne vibre dans leur âme qu'un énervement et une volonté de soumettre ! Que leur demeure t il de sens humain ? N'auraient ils plus qu'un Bush dans les os ?
Les Palestiniens perdent leurs chairs, leur sang, leur terre.
Les juifs perdent leur âme, aveuglément engagés derrière l'État d'Israël.
L'horreur s'ajoute à l'horreur sans jamais permettre qu'émerge une étincelle d'intelligence. L'intelligence, la bonne intelligence…. La Paix ! Cette Paix qui en tout lieu du monde a la même science : celle du respect partagé. Cette Paix de Kant pour tous les peuples de la terre.
Ce respect est honteusement dénié en affamant, en occupant, en excluant, en dominant. Ce dénie qui légitime la rage et fait monter les haines. Ce dénie qui rend impossible la fin des armes et des souffrances. Ce dénie qui nous plonge dans un massacre récurent où la vie n'a plus la valeur d'une vie.
Le respect, c'est le Droit, partout dans le monde. Le respect, c'est Israël entrant dans la Loi du monde, comme tout le monde. La Loi du monde délimite des frontières depuis 40 ans. Au-delà de ces frontières rien n'est à régenter, à occuper. Des frontières où commence la liberté des autres. Des frontières, tout simplement, comme partout dans le monde. Des frontières pour que monte le respect, premier pas, tout premier pas des humains.
Pour que demain les peuples partagent leurs rêves et que les frontières soient une invitation amicale aux rencontres.
Serge Grossvak 07/01/09
The Zionists’ taboo

By Paul J. Balles

8 March 2009

Paul J. Balles considers how Zionists in positions of authority at
academic institutions in the United States are persecuting and defaming
anyone who dares to criticize Israel or even mention Palestinian rights.

About the worst thing one can do in America or Europe is to criticize
Israel. “Freedom” even in academia doesn’t allow critical comments about
Israel or Zionism. Those who risk it can lose their jobs and be labelled
anti-Semitic bigots.

Joel Kovel was terminated from Bard College after 20 years of service
because of "differences between myself and the Bard administration on
the issue of Zionism". The president of Bard, Leon Botstein, didn’t
consider Kovel’s critiques of Zionism to be protected academic freedom.

The worst of the critic bashers is Harvard Law Professor Alan
Dershowitz. He spearheaded a campaign against Norman Finkelstein's
tenure for writing Beyond Chutzpah, documenting in detail the
falsifications in Dershowitz's book The Case for Israel.

After being denied tenure, Finkelstein said: "I met the standards of
tenure DePaul required, but it wasn't enough to overcome the political
opposition to my speaking out on the Israel-Palestine conflict."

In his 2008 book, The Case Against Israel's Enemies, Dershowitz defamed
many who have been critical of Israel, calling them bigots or labelling
them anti-Semitic. Dershowitz has led the pack attacking Israel’s critics.

On former President Jimmy Carter, Dershowitz wrote: "Whatever the reason
or reasons for Jimmy Carter's recent descent into the gutter of bigotry,
history will not judge him kindly."

Attacking University of Chicago Professor John J. Mearsheimer and
Harvard University Professor Stephen M. Walt, who together authored The
Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (2007), Dershowitz wrote: "They are
hate-mongers who have given up on scholarly debate and the democratic
process in order to become rock-star heroes of anti-Israel extremists."

Writing about the British University and College Union (UCU) boycott of
Israeli educators and academic institutions, Dershowitz explained how he
and others "wrote an op-ed piece for the Times of London, in which we
demonstrated parallels between this boycott and previous anti-Jewish
boycotts that were undoubtedly motivated by anti-Semitism".

On another front, Roosevelt University of Chicago at Illinois fired a
philosophy and religion professor for allowing students in his class to
ask questions about Judaism and Islam. The chair of the department,
Susan Weininger, fired the professor, Douglas Giles, saying that
students should not be allowed to ask whatever questions they want in class.

Weininger said that free discussion in world religions could "open up
Judaism to criticism". Any such material, she said, was not permissible
to be mentioned in class discussion, textbooks or examinations. Further,
she ordered Giles to forbid any and all discussion of the "Palestinian
issue", any mention of Palestinian rights, the Muslim belief in the
holiness of Jerusalem, and Zionism. When Professor Giles refused to
censor his students, Weininger fired him.

One of the worst types of Zionist harassment involves cases of Muslims
generally and Palestinians in particular for speaking out on behalf of
their favourite causes. The US government has often been complicit in
these cases.

One such case involves Dr Sami Al-Aryan who taught computer engineering
at the University of South Florida before his arrest in 2004. Al-Arian
was charged with raising money and otherwise assisting Palestinian
Islamic Jihad, a group the US government declared a terrorist
organization in 1995. At trial in 2005, he was acquitted on eight of 17
counts, and the jury deadlocked on the other counts.

All counts were trumped up by Zionist prosecutors who wanted to silence
Al-Aryan. If anything could vaguely approach justice in this case, the
Israelis who have been slaughtering Palestinians for half a century
would have been labelled terrorists and brought to trial for committing
much worse deeds than Al-Aryan.

The gravest injustice allows Zionists to silence honest critics for
violating the Zionist taboo.
Paul J. Balles is a retired American university professor and freelance
writer who has lived in the Middle East for many years. For more
information, see

Monday, March 9, 2009

"An Unholy Alliance" - Documentary examines CIA and other intelligence agency links to the global drug trade.

CIA and Other Intelligence Agency Links to Global Drug Trade (Video)

VIDEO: "An Unholy Alliance" - Documentary examines CIA and other
intelligence agency links to the global drug trade.

Video google (entire film - better frame rate than YouTube version);

In 1996, directors Chris Hilton and David Roberts released "An Unholy
Alliance" as the second part of a trilogy of documentaries dealing with
the global drug trade; with a focus on heroin and opium. The documentary
offers a valuable history of the drug trade, with much rare footage,
including footage of CIA favorite, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. Since Hekmatyar
is back in the news, now is an important time to remind people of
Hekmatyar's dubious past, and his links to the heroin industry in
Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The CIA and the Afghan Arabs

An Unholy Alliance starts off in Peshawar, which was a major hub of
activity for the CIA and the ISI, as they deployed the Afghan Mujahadin
in a proxy war against the Soviet Union, beginning in 1979. Since the
1980s, CIA apologists like Peter Bergen, and former CIA station chief
Milton Bearden have claimed that the CIA never directly trained the
Mujahidin and the associated Arabic recruits;

Peter Bergen: "While the charges that the CIA was responsible for
the rise of the Afghan Arabs might make good copy, they don't make good
history. The truth is more complicated, tinged with varying shades of
gray. The United States wanted to be able to deny that the CIA was
funding the Afghan war, so its support was funneled through Pakistan's
Inter Services Intelligence agency (ISI). ISI in turn made the decisions
about which Afghan factions to arm and train, tending to favor the most
Islamist and pro-Pakistan. The Afghan Arabs generally fought alongside
those factions, which is how the charge arose that they were creatures
of the CIA."

Milton Bearden: "Contrary to what people have come to imagine, the
CIA never recruited, trained, or otherwise used Arab volunteers. The
Afghans were more than happy to do their own fighting -- we saw no
reason not to satisfy them on this point."

The above quotes are taken from the U.S. State Dept's "Identifying
Misinformation" website, which is currently unavailable. Here is the
cached version at the Internet Archive;

However, during the 1980s, the Reagan administration was using the US
corporate media to openly brag about training the Mujahidin, via the
CIA, which certainly by 1986 had Arab volunteers fully woven into the
Mujahidin forces. In An Unholy Alliance, the directors include a
valuable segment from NBC News, March, 1986;

"Anti-communist guerillas in Afghanistan have been at the front
line against the spread of communism in the Third World. And now they'll
be better armed. The Reagan administration has decided to give the
rebels Stinger missiles. The Stinger is a US-made anti-aircraft missile.
It's portable, shoulder-fired, and capable of hitting a helicopter or
jet from a distance of 5 miles. It would provide the rebels with a
viable defense against Soviet helicopter gunships, and MIG fighter jets.
One administration source indicated the CIA would be responsible for
training the guerillas in their use."

This occurs at the 4:18 mark, Part 1, of the YouTube version.

Despite proclamations from Bearden, et al, prior to 9/11, the
relationship between the CIA, the 'Arab Afghans' and Osama Bin Laden was
perfectly clear, as evidenced in Ahmed Rashid's "Taliban";

" 1986, CIA chief William Casey had stepped up the war against
the Soviet Union by taking three significant, but at that time highly
secret, measures. He had persuaded the U.S. Congress to provide the
Mujaheddin with American-made Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to shoot
down Soviet planes and provide U.S. advisers to train the guerrillas.
Until then no US-made weapons or personnel had been used directly in the
war effort. The CIA, Britain's MI6 and the ISI also agreed on a
provocative plan to launch guerrilla attacks into the Soviet Socialist
Republics of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, the soft Muslim underbelly of
the Soviet state from where Soviet troops in Afghanistan received their
supplies. The task was given to the ISI's favourite Mujaheddin leader
Gulbuddin Hikmetyar. In March 1987, small units crossed the Amu Darya
river from bases in northern Afghanistan and launched their first rocket
attacks against villages in Tajikistan. Casey was delighted with the
news, and on his next secret trip to Pakistan he crossed the border into
Afghanistan with President Zia to review the Mujaheddin groups.

Thirdly, Casey committed CIA support to a long-standing ISI
initiative to recruit Muslims from around the world to come to Pakistan
and fight with the Afghan Mujaheddin. The ISI had encouraged this since
1982 and by now all the other players had their reasons for supporting
the idea." p.129


"His father backed the Afghan struggle and helped fund it, so when
Bin Laden decided to join up, his family responded enthusiastically. He
first traveled to Peshawar in 1980 and met the Mujaheddin leaders,
returning frequently with Saudi donations for the cause until 1982, when
he decided to settle in Peshawar. He brought in his company engineers
and heavy construction equipment to help build roads and depots for the
Mujaheddin. In 1986, he helped build the Khost tunnel complex, which the
CIA was funding as a major arms storage depot, training facility and
medical center for the Mujaheddin, deep under the mountains close to the
Pakistan border. For the first time in Khost he set up his own training
camp for Arab Afghans, who now increasingly saw this lanky, wealthy and
charismatic Saudi as their leader.

'To counter these atheist Russians, the Saudis chose me as their
representative in Afghanistan,' Bin Laden said later. 'I settled in
Pakistan in the Afghan border region. There I received volunteers who
came from the Saudi Kingdom and from all over the Arab and Muslim
countries. I set up my fist camp where these volunteers were trained by
Pakistani and American officers. The weapons were supplied by the
Americans, the money by the Saudis." p.132

An Unholy Alliance the filmmakers interview the late Muslim
intellectual, Dr. Eqbal Ahmad. Ahmad was in Pakistan when these
historical events were unfolding. He witnessed the smuggling of arms
into Afghanistan, via camels, and the same smugglers would return with a
supply of drugs. He also personally witnessed the importation of the
Arab volunteers into Afghanistan;

" Islamic fundamentalist dictator in Pakistan, Zia ul-Haq,
promoted, with the help of the CIA, the mujahideen resistance. Now what
you had was Islamic fundamentalists of a really hardcore variety taking
on the Evil Empire. They received $8 billion in arms from the U.S.
alone. Add another $2 billion from Saudi Arabia under American
encouragement. And, more than that, American operatives went about the
Muslim world recruiting for the jihad in Afghanistan. This whole
phenomenon of jihad as an international armed struggle did not exist in
the Muslim world since the tenth century. It was brought back into
being, enlivened, and pan-Islamized by the American effort. The United
States saw in the war in Afghanistan an opportunity to mobilize the
Muslim world against communism. So the United States recruited
mujahideen from all over the Muslim world. I saw planeloads of them
arriving-from Algeria, the Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and
Palestine. These people were brought in, given an ideology, told that
the armed struggle is a virtuous thing to do, and the whole notion of
jihad as an international, pan-Islamic terrorist movement was born.

They were trained and armed by the CIA. The militants of the
Islamic movement almost everywhere have all been trained in Afghanistan.
The CIA people now call it "Islamic blowback."

Like Milton Bearden, Dr. Ahmad was there, he saw and felt the effects of
the CIA's involvement on a first-hand basis, in real-time. How strange
that his experience proceeds 180 degrees away from the Bergen/Bearden
line. (Among the CIA's tea-leaf readers, Steve Coll has really been the
only one to offer insight and new information on the cooperation between
CIA, the ISI and Saudi Arabia's GID in the accumulation of Arab
volunteers for the Afghan resistance in his book "Ghost Wars", but there
are places that Coll will not tread, such as the drug trade.)

Michael Levine is also interviewed in An Unholy Alliance, and reveals in
condensed form his experiences with the DEA. When Levine was at the cusp
of breaking apart major drug syndicates, there would suddenly be
interference, scuttling the operation, form agencies like the CIA as
well as political interefence from Washington. In his 1993 book, "The
Big White Lie", Levine writes;

"For decades, the CIA, the Pentagon, and secret organizations like
Oliver North's Enterprise have been supporting and protecting the
world's biggest drug dealers. Those brave freedom fighters in
Afghanistan, the Mujahedin, supply a major portion of the heroin used in
the United States. The Contras and some of their Central American allies
like Honduras have been documented by DEA as supplying us with at least
50 percent of our national cocaine consumption. They were the main
conduit to the United States for Columbian cocaine during the 1980s. The
rest of the drug supply for the American habit came from other
CIA-supported groups, such as DFS (the Mexican equivalent of the CIA),
the Shan United Army in the Golden Triangle of Southeast Asia, or any of
a score of other groups and/or individuals like Manuel Noriega. Support
of these people has been deemed more important than gettng drugs off our
streets." (p.463, Thunder's Mouth hardcover edition.)

Peter Dale Scott's Observations on the Drug Relationship

In 2003's "Drugs, Oil and War" Scott writes;

"In the half century since the Korean War the United States has
been involved in four major wars in the Third World: in Vietnam
(1961-1975), in the Persian Gulf (1990-1991), in Colombia
(1991-present), and in Afghanistan (2001-2002). All four wars were
fought in or near significant oil-producing areas. All four involved
reliance on proxies who were also major international drug traffickers.
The American habit of training, arming, and financing its
drug-trafficking allies in order to help secure oil resources abroad has
been a major factor in the huge increase in global illicit drug
trafficking since World War II.

This pattern is further reinforced when we consider two of
America's major indirect interventions of the same period: support for
the Nicaraguan Contras (1981-1988) and the Afghan mujahedin (1979-1991).
The CIA contracted for Contra support in Central America with an airline
owned by a ringleader of the largest cocaine network in the region. By
providing funds for Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a drug trafficker selected for
support by Pakistani intelligence (the Inter-Services Intelligence
Directorate, or ISI), the CIA helped propel Hekmatyar into becoming, for
a while, the lagest heroin trafficker in Afghanistan and perhaps the world.

All empires since the Renaissance have been driven by the search
for foreign resources, and nearly all - including the British, the
French, and the Dutch - used drugs as a cheap way to pay for overseas
expansion. When the United States decided to preserve Western influence
in Southeast Asia, it inherited a social structure of former colonial
regimes that had coexisted in one way or another with powerful Chinese
Triads engaged in the drug traffic...

...American dependence on drug proxies can be traced to the CIA
decision, in 1949-1950, to provide arms and logistic support to the
residual forces of the Chinese Kuomintang in Burma. This evolved into
the much larger program of support for the opium-growing Hmong tribesmen
in northeastern Laos. In the wake of the domestically unpopular Vietnam
War, the United States, in asserting an increasingly explicit
geostrategic interest in oil reserves throughout the world, has
continued to seek out local drug proxies as a supplement or an
alternative to the use of U.S. armed forces." (p.27-28, Rowman &
Littlefield softcover)

In 2007's "Road to 9/11";

"In May 1979 the ISI put CIA in touch with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the
mujahideen warlord with perhaps the smallest following inside
Afghanistan. Hekmatyar was also the leading mujahideen drug trafficker,
and the only one to develop his own complex of six heroin labs in an
ISI-controlled area of Baluchistan (Pakistan). ... As an Afghan leader
in 1994 told Tim Weiner of the New York Times: "We didn't choose these
leaders. The United States made Hekmatyar by giving him his weapons. Now
we want the United States to shake these leaders and make them stop the
killing, to save us from them." Foreign correspondent Robert D. Kaplan
reported his personal experience that Hekmatyar was "loathed by all the
other party leaders, fundamentalist and moderate alike."

It is easy to understand why Pakistan insisted that Hekmatyar
receive the bulk of U.S. (and Saudi) aid. He was the mujahideen leader
most dependent on the ISI for survival, and allegedly the only one
willing to accept the British-drawn Durand Line as the Afghan-Pakistan
boundary. The question is rather why Brzezinski agreed to an alliance
with this drug connection, and proceeded almost immediately to protect
it from critical snoops like David Musto.


The consequences of Brzezinski's decision were felt immediately, in
the form of a sudden flood of heroin from the Afghan border into the
United States. In May 1980, only five months after arms began to flow to
the Afghan guerrillas, Carter's White House adviser on drugs, Musto,
complained publicly of the risks "in befriending these tribes as we did
in Laos." Musto noted that the number of drug-related deaths in New York
had risen by 77 percent. The key to this relationship may have been
BCCI. Well into the 1980s the bank continued the cut-out activities for
CIA that had been performed earlier by billionaire Saudi arms dealer
Adnan Khashoggi and Kamal Adham, who became one of BCCI's principal


On the Pakistan side this criminal relationship may even have been
institutionalized. According to B. Raman, a well-informed Indian analyst
writing in the Financial Times: "In the 1980s, at the instance of the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the US, the Internal Political
Division of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), headed by Brig
(retd). Imtiaz, ... started a special cell for the use of heroin for
covert actions. This cell promoted the cultivation of opium and the
extraction of heroin in Pakistani territory as well as in the Afghan
territory under Mujahideen control for being smuggled into the Soviet
controlled areas in order to make the Soviet troops heroin addicts.
After the withdrawal of the Soviet troops, the ISI's heroin cell started
using its network of refineries and smugglers for smuggling heroin to
the Western countries and using the money as a supplement to its
legitimate economy. But for these heroin dollars, Pakistan's legitimate
economy must have collapsed many years ago." (pp.74-76, University of
California Press hardback)

Who is trying to maneuver Hekmatyar back into Afghanistan? That is the

Friday, March 6, 2009

INTERNATIONAL NEWS: Note Worthy today...


Tymoshenko's party blocks investigation of theft of transit natural gas from Russia. Ukrainian Security Service personnel walk away empty-handed from UKRTRANSGAZ HQ after interference from Tymoshenko.

Wanna buy a sunken naval ship? Georgian neocon regime selling three warships sunk by Russia during war. Smarmy does not adequately describe Mikhael Saakashvili's government.

Khodorkovsky's lawyer ask for different court for hearings. Jailed oil tycoon was kingpin for Russian-Israeli Mafia.

Cash-strapped Lithuania agrees to pay $41 million for confiscated Jewish property from World War II. Compensation to be paif in installments depending on state's financial situation.

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan says he was threatened within and outside of Turkey by Ergenekon network. Cui bono? Ergenekeon has been linked to both Mossad and a CIA Gladio-like "stay behind" network. Mossad has Erdogan in its sights after Gaza and Davos clash between Erdogan and Shimon Peres.

Ergenekon wiretapped politicians and businessmen in Ankara and other cities in Turkey and Northern Cyprus. Eavesdroppping systems purchased from Israel.

Under pressure from the global Israel Lobby, Italy pulls out of Durban II UN conference on racism. Israel and Canada also boycotting over equalization of Zionism with racism. Of course, when a people claim they are "chosen" by God and others are inferior, just as South Africa's apartheid supporters claimed, it is what it is.

Two Britons arrested in KBR/Halliburton Nigerian bribery case. Jeffrey Tesler and Wojciech Chodan face extradition to the U.S. Dick Cheney has something to fear if these two begin singing.



Another Air Force officer found dead. Col. Michael V. Krueger, Vice Commander of McConnell Air Force Base in Kansas found dead of "unknown causes."

Annette Nazareth withdraws as Deputy Treasury Secretary. Nazareth's fingerprints are on SEC's lax oversight. The "wise men" who run Obama's economic team will now have to look beyond Nazareth for a deputy. Anyone out there with the name "Beth Lehem"?

Unemployment skyrockets in America. Worst in 25 years at 8.1 percent. Of course, those who have fallen off unemployment benefits are not counted. Unemployment is much higher, perhaps double 8.1 percent or more.

COUNTRY FOCUS OF THE DAY: Uganda. Museveni rejects federalism for Uganda. Nixes more power for Buganda, other entities.



Arithmetics of Disdain,

At a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"

It is noteworthy that the State Department's list of global terrorist incidents for 2002 worldwide failed to list the car bombing attack on Hobeika and his party.... But Listed a small Hand Grenade thrown at a U.S. franchise in the middle of the night when the place was closed, empty and no one was hurt? The White House wanted to ensure the terror attack on Mr. Elie Hobeika, and his party of three young men with families, was censored from the report. The reason was simple: this attack ultimately had Washington's and Israel's fingerprints all over it....Given the actual climate of political cacophonies, deceit, deception and intrigue in Lebanon of today, Lebanon of the LIARS of NEOCONVILLE, it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Mr. Elie Hobeika was a visionary Leader and a Hero.Lebanon will probably never know a Leader of this caliber.My dear friend ELIE, you have been reborn on January 24th 2002.Heroes are reborn the day of their Martyrdom .ELIE, you are more alive today, than many living political corpses,walking and talking in Beirut Lebanon every day, until resurrection.At a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"- G. Orwell A U.S. intelligence source revealed to me, that in the world of intelligence "carve out" subcontracts such confusion is often the case with "plausible deniability" being a foremost concern in ALL covert operations, especially in Elie Hobeika's case on January 24th 2002, & Hariri's Feb. 14th 2005... Notwithstanding Jacques CHIRAC's gesticulations and false sorrow for the loss of his "friend" Rafic HARIRI, he has been regularly organizing official meetings in Paris for Asef Shawkat with his services to secure SYRIA for and with Assef Shawkat,....

The propensity of governments to create secrets out of the obvious is one of the more tedious aspects of international relations. But this secret is not obvious, and it is not trivial. Though it is true, and I hold the KEY.

Fabrications, LIES , False Flag operations, CIA and MOSSAD.It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt,that ALL stories which came out immediately after the Assassination of Mr.Elie Hobeika, Fares Sweidan,Dimitri Ajram, and Waleed El-Zein, were completely &utterly FALSE. It was a pure fabrication by the KILLERS;AND the CIA'S Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC),to cover their tracks. Standard operating procedure...101I mean by that, the stories relating to Elie trying to find IMAD Moughnieh, the alleged attempted contacts with CIA, MOSSAD, etc. , the missing Iranian diplomats, the 9 most wanted by CIA, whose names have been circulated then,on purpose by CIA, to 7 ministers in the Lebanese Government, etc. [names which CIA has completely forgotten now,one of them has proven since to be a CIA asset himself...] ALL these were a tortuous web of lies to cover the tracks of the Murderers of CIA, MOSSAD, and their Syro-Lebanese tools.Special ongoing Investigation.Oct. , 2007- On September 15, 2001, just four days after the 9-11 attacks,CIA Director George Tenet provided President [sic] Bush with a Top Secret"Worldwide Attack Matrix"-a virtual license to kill targets deemed to be a threat to the United States in some 80 countries around the world. The Tenet plan, which was subsequently approved by Bush, essentially reversed the executive orders of four previous U.S. administrations that expressly prohibited political assassinations. Mr. Elie Hobeika will be the first target of the US administration, to pave the way for its Iraq Invasion .It planned to directly control the "Energy Basin" and ALL the OIL Transportation routes,from Pipelines to the Maritime avenues and choke points in the Gulf areas, and from central Asia to Mauritania and beyond.But most of all, Mr. Elie Hobeika will be made to pay dearly with his life,for daring to change his politics and views, after experiencing first hand,THE BRUTALITY OF THE ISRAELIS AND THE AMERICANS ,and their CULTURE OF VIOLENCE , Intrigue, murder & very bad Politics.The BUSH+CHENEY Energy MATRIX, coming to a place near you SOON.The awakening is near. It will be like a hurricane passing with untold fury.Mark my Words: .....

THE assassination of yet another Lebanese MP — the seventh anti-Syrian figure to be murdered since the slaying of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in February 2005 — has brought Lebanon to the brink of a catastrophe. It threatens to be even more devastating than the 1975-90 civil war. The country’s survival as an independent unified state is now at stake. The divide between anti-Syrian and pro-Syrian blocs is now unbridgeable.

As to fears of fresh civil war, it is already a reality. With ministers and pro-government MPs being assassinated, the government even more besieged than the one in Iraq, surviving MPs in hiding, who can talk of political normality? Lebanon is at war with itself. How long before that translates into general armed conflict is anyone’s guess. It would be naive to imagine that Ghanem’s killing will be the last. The anti-Syrian majority in Parliament is now razor-thin. Those behind this and the other killings are obviously determined to bring down the government of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora by the physical elimination of its parliamentary majority.

There can be no doubt that more assassinations are planned and will be attempted. If that happens and the Lebanese government falls as a result and is replaced by a pro-Syrian government, it will trigger a wave of retaliatory violence — against Hezbollah, against the Shiite community and against pro-Syrian figures. Open warfare waits in the wings.

Syrian protestations that it had nothing to do with Antoine Ghanem’s murder and the others may be true. It is quite possible that the killings are wholly internal, the work of pro-Syrian elements inside Lebanon who want power back. There are certainly some who do not want a new president elected to replace Emile Lahoud. It is even possible that Israelis were behind the killings, intent on destabilization and making Syria appear the villain — possible but unlikely; they have much to lose if a Hezbollah-dominated, pro-Syrian government were installed in Beirut.

The problem is that very few believe Syria’s innocence. They ask the question “who benefits?” and, in the case of each assassination, come up with the same answer: Damascus and its clients in Lebanon. That belief robs Syria of having an acceptable role in Lebanon for a long time to come. The majority of Lebanese want their sovereignty to be absolute; with no interference from anyone — be they Syrian, Israeli, Iranian, American or whatever. That dream, however, is being car-bombed to oblivion....

Forget what you've heard about objectivity. Not even cameras are objective. To nearly everything you analyze (and report on) you bring notions based on - but not limited to - your class, gender, skin color, ethnicity, native language, upbringing, education, religion, culture, playground experiences, political orientation, the influences of people you trust and things about the way our brains work that nobody even knows yet. Like sponges, we absorb stereotypes and clichés about other people's attitudes and behavior which skews our perceptions in ways we don't even realize. So don't fool yourself into believing in objectivity. The best you can achieve is fairness, and that's a tough path to stick to as well.

And then we'd have a talk about the textbook description of objectivity, which is that "every story has two sides," a pernicious dualistic myth that profoundly undermines what is supposed to be a search for truth....

The even greater danger with these dark clouds forming over Lebanon is for the region. With Syria’s links to Iran, Iran’s links to Hezbollah, rising tension over Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions, there is a chain explosion waiting to happen. An Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, an American attack on Iran, a Syrian attack on Israel, more Lebanese assassinations: One could trigger another. The temperature is fast rising on the Middle East’s northern rim — and it is near flash point.


Petition USA

Dear Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, , thanks for your
great work defending the USA Constitution, with
between Churches and State and Free Speech,
and my questions are:1) since most likely the Senate

will approve Michael Mukasey as the new A.G.of

the United States, and since as you know,he is an

orthodox Israeli-American and with dual citizenship,
American and Israeli, , NYT Sept.
18.07 "Washington outsider with many sides"
for info on Mukasey as Judge of the WTC-
Insurance 9/11 case , will he respect other
religions exactly thesame as his?2) since he is an

ordained rabbi within his orthodox community,will his partners get treatment better or different in any way
from the one you or I or anybody else would get from

him in the United States of America?

3) what happens to all the Security Contracts
and Military deals he and his son Marc are
doing with the Companies and Interests of
Giuliani Partners and other associates ?

4) what happens with all the deals they
worked on in his son's law firm,
Bracewell&Giuliani?since Bracewell&Giuliani has

offices in the South Asia, like in Kazakhstan,a big

oil supplier ruled by an extreme undemocratic leader,
Nazarbayev, will the Mukasey's and Giuliani's
get special deals? with no supervision? political
donations? will the actual law firm of Mukasey
get special deals too? will anybody ask ? or will
they just say yes :blindly?

5) Michael Mukasey

and his son Marc are strong AIPAC supporters ,

but will anyone in the Senate ask anything about their relationship to these political-military-religious-financial
and foreign groups? we know that no one
will,but is that right? isn't special treatment?
the A.G.?

6) Chairman,this powerful military-religious-
financial group , of which Michael Mukasey is
a leader, will have unprecedented influence in
the Justice Dpt. ,White House and Congress,
not to mention over the average taxpayer,
and since many members of the orthodox
community to which he belongs are diamond,
gold,jewelry,insurance ,real estate and tobacco
dealers and wholesalers while claiming Tax
Exemption due to religious condition,will his
appointment stop all the Investigations of the
IRS and Justice well as Commerce,etc.?
and back taxes?
do average Americans have a guarantee of
equal treatment?
when we start getting prosecuted for asking
questions,what recourse do we have ? any ?
and since orthodox Mukasey will most likely
install many members of his organized religious
group into office,will we be forced to request
help from the same community like his with
the special privilege?7) Judge Mukasey was in

charge of the 9/11/01 Trial case between the

leaseholders of the WTC,SIlverstein-Goldman-

Pacific-etc., and the 23 Insurance Companies these

new leaseholders called just days before 9/11 to
open dozens of policies over everything in
the Towers, services,leases,businesses,contracts,
profits,hardware,you name it,their premiums
were millions of dollars a week, didn't make
any business sense,unless they knew what was
going to happen a few days later ,and
everybody in N.Y. and around the world
was waiting for answers from the Trial ,
and then Judge Mukasey put a lid on the
Trial and no news came out, NOTHING !!!!
and everybody asked why ?, if it is a patriotic
case,why no news at all ?why the secrecy ?
why Judge Mukesay didn't want anybody in
America to know everything about Silverstein
and his dozens of policies? , then we also found
out that then N.Y.State A.G. Eliot Spitzer
wrote a Friend of the Court brief supporting
Silverstein,the AG siding with one of the
parties!, and the Judge and Spitzer started to
push the Insurance Companies to settle for 2
events,a total of 7 billion dollars to Silverstein
and his partners, many of the Insurance
Companies refused because they knew
something was not right and eventually they
settled on 4.6 billion dollars for Silverstein ,
but we still never got any details in any
newspaper ,radio or TV,NOTHING ! I WOULD
but we do know that no one will ask him
anything in D.C., he and his Orthodox
Congregation partners rule,after all they all
go to Israel together and share Religious
Ceremonies with Kissinger, Chertoff,
Bloomberg ,Silverstein,etc., and yet we hear
S. Schumer and other neocons saying to the
media that they want to learn more from
the man !8) Chairman,this new A.G. will have
unprecedented influence over President Bush
and VP Cheney,since he is the only one that
can prosecute the 2,is it wise to have a
member of a foreign religious-political group
having so much power over the President and
the Vice-President of the United States of
America ? safe ? smart? patriotic?We know that MR..Mukasey was selected by
Joshua Bolten and approved by Senator
Schumer and others,so since "they" run
Washington,it's a done deal ,hearing Senator
Schumer telling the Media how wonderful
Mukasey is and that his nomination cuts
down on pressure on the White House, do
they extorted a deal from the President:
Our orthodox candidate and we stop asking
for White House U.S. Attorney papers and
information?is that why Bush looks so depressed?

is that how Schumer,Bolton, Emanuel,Specter,
Lieberman and Bloomberg are going to run
this country?
because clearly with Mukasey as A.G.,they
run this country lock,stock and barrel,it's
that how our Constitutional Rights end ?
Extortion of the President of the United
hearing Schumer and Specter, it's clear that it
was all about getting the Christians out of the
Justice Dpt. and installing the neocon orthodox
in, is that how they do it ?A partner of Mukasey

as adviser to Giuliani , the neocon Pedhoretz,

has repeatedly pushed with Pr.Bush to bomb Iran,

to attack, and since Sen. Lieberman and Sen. Kyl

are pushing to brand Iran's Military a terrorist

Organization, is this the beginning of a concerted

effort to push for war? it's important to remember
all this , because in 2002 and 2003 all these
neocons with Sen.Schumer,S.Coleman,
Sen.Boxer,R.Emanuel,Kristol,Safire, Wolfowitz,
Whitman, Kaplan,Kellner,Gutman,Berman,
Sulzberger,Murdoch,Karmazin, ex-sec.Cohen,
were pushing for war every day on the media
and yet now they are attacking anyone that
mentions it, they are warning elected officials
like R.Moran that to mention these facts is
anti-this and anti-that and "watch it ", they
are bullying any one that mentions what happen
before the USA went to Iraq,and worst: they
insist now on their media that only Bush-
Cheney-Rice-Rumsfeld are responsible , that
no one else pushed for this war:

it looks like its not the first time, it sounds
like they always pull the same trick: they push
for war,financed with their Hedge Funds and
then with the media they erase any links to
themselves, this is criminal; to push for war
and then to hide and blamethe Christians
only,that's evil and SHOWS LOTS OF
COUNTRY! to confirm an organized
religious-political-military from a foreign sect
and laws to Attorney General is
un-Constitutional,illegal, un-American and
goes against the core of the USA values,
thousands died to defend the USA
Constitution from foreign religions, how can
the Senate now approve a religious leader ?
will they even ask this question? will they
commit High Treason ?when you look at these

incompetent and criminal decisions against the

Rule of Law and the Declaration of Independence,
how can Taxpayers petition the Government
for any rights?Thanks for your great work defending
America from foreign and domestic enemies,
in my humble opinion, this situation
looks to me like occupation and foreign control,
and to you ?America knows that George Washington,

Lincoln and all the Founding Fathers would be proud of
your defense of the USA Constitution against
High Treason and High Crimes,


US Citizens


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Saakashvili Ordered me to Get Rid of Patarkatsishvili’ – Okruashvili

Ex-Defense Minister Irakli Okruashvili has made yet another startling allegation against his former ally, President Saakashvili. The president, he said, had personally ordered him to liquidate Badri Patarkatsishvili, a business tycoon.
Speaking live on Imedi TV’s talk show On the Air late on September 25, Okruashvili said: “Saakashvili told me that we should get rid of him [Patarkatsishvili], in the same way as happened to Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese prime minister, who was killed in a car bomb attack.”
“In July 2005,” Okruashvili said, “Saakashvili asked me: what did I think about getting rid of one person… - Badri Patarkatsishvili? And then he [Saakashvili] outlined a very detailed plan on how to get rid of him.”
Okruashvili continued: “It was absolutely clear to me that it was a trap for me as well, because they would have gotten rid of me as well after getting rid of Patarkatsishvili.”
He said in response he told Saakashvili that he needed time to think about it.
“Meanwhile, I met with one person who at that time was working with the Americans and told him about the president’s proposal,” Okruashvili said. “I did it in the hope that the information would have been passed on to the Americans… It was Zaza Gogava [now Chief-of-Staff of the Georgian armed forces] However it did not work. Because after a month Saakashvili again repeated his demand about getting rid of Patarkatsishvili.”
“Then I met with another person in Turkey, whose identity I can not reveal. He also has close links with the Americans. He's not a Georgian citizen. I told him about Saakashvili’s plan. This information, it seemed, was delivered to the Americans, because since then Saakashvili never talked with me about getting rid of Patarkatsishvili.”President Saakashvili, who is currently in New York for the UN General Assembly Session, has yet to comment on his former ally’s allegations.


Irakli Okruashvili, ex-defense minister and once President Saakashvili’s closest ally, has accused the president of engaing in “anti-state steps” and “ordering murders.”
In his first public statement since he quit the government last November, Okruashvili also finally announced the launch of his political party – Movement for United Georgia. He refused to take question after his ten-minute speech, but said he planned to give further details and “answer all questions” during a TV appearance planned for later on Tuesday.
“I will definitely speak more on these crimes, which were masterminded by the authorities,” he said. Okruashvili added: “I was ordered by Saakashvili several times to liquidate certain influential and important people, which I refused to do.” He gave no further details.
There has been considerable speculation that “a war of compromising materials” would precede Okruashvili’s political comeback and the unveiling of his new opposition party.
Okruashvili said at the news conference in his party's headquarters in downtown Tbilisi that “fascist trends” and “anti-state steps undertaken by the authorities” had convinced him and his co-thinkers to set up the new movement. He also suggested that it hadn't been easy to launch the party.
People, he said, “are terrorized” because of “repression.” “Those with dissenting opinions are deemed ‘enemies of the state’ and the government is refusing to hold a dialogue with them,” he said.
This, he said, had made it difficult to convince people to engage in public life.
Okruashvili said that the anti-corruption campaign was “unreal.” The prisons, he said, were full of petty criminals, while corruption continued to thrive among “top level officials, Saakashvili’s inner circle and his family.”
“Three years ago when I was Interior Minister,” Okruashvili said, “I arrested Temur Alasania, the president’s uncle, for extortion of USD 200,000. I, however, had to release him on the president’s insistence.”
He also accused the authorities, and personally Saakashvili, of, as he put it, “a deliberate anti-Orthodox Church campaign” and “of fighting against Georgian traditions and values.”
“Saakashvili has an inner hatred of the Georgian Orthodox Church,” Okruashvili said. “The Georgian church is the most respected institution in Georgia. [Because of this] he [Saakashvili] perceives the Church as his main competitor. While in his inner circle, I often heard him talking about splitting the Church and discrediting the clergy.”
He also said that there was “a clear attempt” by the Saakashvili administration “to re-write Georgia’s history, as if nothing Georgian existed before the Rose Revolution, and everything new is being created by Saakashvili.”
Okruashvili also made an obvious attempt to appeal to other walks of life by saying that the older generation, those over 50, had been “neglected and humiliated.”
Internally displaced persons from Abkhazia and South Ossetia, he said, “were not regarded as human beings during ex-President Shevardnadze’s regime and this trend has continued in the Saakashvili regime as well.”
He also criticized the authorities’ policies towards the secessionist regions.
“We were one step away from reclaiming one of our lost territories,” Okruashvili said, apparently referring to South Ossetia.
Several months before his resignation from the cabinet, Okruashvili said that he had planned to celebrate the 2007 New Year in Tskhinvali, the capital of breakaway South Ossetia. Commentators said that Saakashvili’s decision to move Okruashvili last November from the Defense Ministry to the Ministry of Economy was largely because of Okruashvili’s perceived hawkish stance on South Ossetia.
In his speech on September 25, Okruashvili said that “only Saakashvili’s weakness, inability and fear” had foiled plans to reclaim the secessionist region. He also said Saakashvili was too weak to take an unspecified “historic decision.”
He also criticized Tbilisi’s decision to create the provisional South Ossetia administration, led by Dimitri Sanakoev. Okruashvili said Sanakoev had no respect and authority among the population of the region. He also said that installing Sanakoev was “an imaginary attempt” to unite the country.
Okruashvili explained his decision to “quietly” quit the government without voicing his discontent was because of, as he put it, his sense of “civil responsibility.”
“Army officers, who are still my friends, asked me to do it quietly,” he said and added that by doing so he had denied the country’s enemies an opportunity to speculate on a split within the government.
Okruashvili admitted that he shared “the responsibility for some mistakes because I was also once part of this government.”
“I, however, have done nothing but good for my country when in government,” he added. “So any attempt to discredit me will fail.”
Towards the end of his speech, he implied that he might have presidential ambitions.
“Georgia will be united only if it has a president who doesn't humiliate and insult its own people,” Okruashvili said.
Throughout his speech, Okruashvili's fellow party members stood beside him. They include: lawmakers Tea Tlashadze, Ketevan Makharashvili, Koka Guntsadze, Gia Tortladze and Gia Tsagareishvili; former Deputy Defense Minister Levan Nikolaishvili and a lawyer, Eka Beselia.
Two former journalists from Rustavi 2 TV station, Nana Lezhava and Natia Lazashvili, were also there. Both quit the TV station shortly after Rustavi 2 changed hands last November following Okruashvili’s resignation.