


By Saul Landau
Most Jews I know get little pleasure from the existence of Israel; just the
opposite. They feel disgusted by the behavior of their tribal kin toward
Palestinians. This antipathy doesn't concern Israel's right to exist, a
phony argument still maintained by hard line Zionists. Israel exists,
period. Most of the world recognizes that. Anyone wanting to eliminate it
belongs in the loony bin or prison.
Israelis have just elected a right wing majority. The number three
vote-getting party, Yisrael Beytenu led by Avigdor Lieberman, will occupy a
strong place in the new government. Lieberman will become a Minister in the
Netanyahu Cabinet. Last year, Lieberman rammed through Israel's Central
Election Committee a ban on Arab political parties. The Israeli Supreme
Court ruled the ban unconstitutional before the recent election. Lieberman
also demanded the Knesset expel Arab Members. He went further. If Arab
citizens of Israel don't sign oaths of loyalty to Israel, they should have
their citizenship revoked. Disloyalty for Arabs included students wearing
keffiyehs to school; Muslim Israelis collecting medicine and aid for Gaza
relief also falls into the non-trustworthy category.
During the 2008-9 invasion of Gaza, Lieberman wanted the military operation
to continue until Hamas "loses the will to fight." In a speech at Bar-Ilan
University, he said Israel's government had "to come to a decision that we
will break the will of Hamas to keep fighting." Lieberman concluded in the
January 13 Jerusalem Post: "We must continue to fight Hamas just like the
United States did with the Japanese in World War II. Then, too, the
occupation of the country was unnecessary." In 1945, U.S. Air Force planes
dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Japan surrendered
Lieberman has acquired a powerful defender in the United States. Abraham
Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, backed Lieberman's
plan to require Israeli Arab citizens to sign an oath of allegiance to the
Jewish state." (Feb 10, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)
Foxman ignored the ADL's mission, opposing racial discrimination and the
words of the ADL Charter. The Anti-Defamation League aims "to secure justice
and fair treatment to all." In Israel, it's apparently OK with Foxman to
strip an Arab wearing the wrong covering of citizenship. Without
citizenship, Arabs can't vote or participate in politics; very old Jews from
some European countries may recall similar rules.
My grandfather taught me, growing up during the Holocaust, that Jewish
tradition teaches each person to strive to become a pillar of ethics, learn
the law and behave so as to answer to God for transgressions -- not to
rulers of a so-called Jewish state.
Ironically, in the name of all Jews, Foxman and colleagues in AIPAC
(American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and other Israeli lobby groups
along with right wing and centrist political parties in Israel invoke the
Holocaust to justify the very behavior embodied by Holocaust initiators.
Israel calls itself a Jewish state. Yet, one fifth of Israel's population is
non-Jewish. I don't belong to that state and despise its policies of
constant war and occupation.
Count Israel's wars: 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, plus civil wars against
two Intifadas in the 1980s and 2000, and finally the invasions of Lebanon in
2006 and Gaza in late 2008, the latter leaving in its wake 1,300-plus dead
Palestinians, most of them civilians and less than 20 Israelis, some from
"friendly fire."
Condemned by the Red Cross, Amnesty International and a host of
organizations for violating human rights of Gaza's people, Israel's new
government will almost certainly continue or even harden the policies. They
don't care what others say.
Dr. Erik Fosse, a Norwegian cardiologist, working in Gaza hospitals during
the Israeli invasion described his patients' wounds. "It was as if they had
stepped on a mine," he says of certain Palestinian. "But there was no
shrapnel in the wound. Some had lost their legs. It looked as though they
had been sliced off. I have been to war zones for 30 years, but I have never
seen such injuries before."
The "focused lethality" weapon, to which Fosse referred, does minimal damage
to buildings, but catastrophic harm to humans. The United States supplied
these to Israel. (Conn Hallinan, Foreign Policy in Focus, February 11, 2009)
Israeli Defense Forces have also used white phosphorus in Beirut in 1982,
and again in Gaza. The intense heat of the metal inflicts appalling damage.
The IDF knows international law prohibits its use near populated areas.
Donatella Rovera of Amnesty International labeled as "a war crime" the use
of phosphorous "in Gaza's densely-populated residential neighborhoods."
(Guardian, January 21, 2009)
Israel initially denied using the chemical. On January 13, Israeli Chief of
Staff Gabi Ashkenazi solemnly declared: "The IDF acts only in accordance
with what is permitted by international law and does not use white
phosphorus." Gazans and Israelis, however, saw the material and the victims
of it. On January 20, the IDF admitted using phosphorus artillery and mortar
shells on "Hamas fighters and rocket launching crews in northern Gaza."
On January 15, three shells hit the UN Relief and Works Agency compound. The
resulting fire destroyed tons of humanitarian supplies. A phosphorus shell
also hit Al-Quds hospital in Gaza City. According to the Guardian, the
Israelis claimed Hamas fighters had hidden near the two targets. Witnesses
denied the charge. (January 21, 2009)
UN officials cited witnesses who claimed Israel killed 31 family members
whom Israeli troops had led into a house in Zeitun. Twenty four hours after
the IDF warned the Palestinians to remain, the IDF shelled the dwelling.
Half of the dead were children. The UN Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) called it "one of the gravest incidents since
the beginning of operations" by Israeli forces in Gaza. (AFP, December 27,
Such facts caused distinguished people like Jimmy Carter and Bill Moyers to
question Israeli behavior. Foxman quickly labeled Moyers as anti-Semitic.
Those opposing Israel's invasion of Gaza, or her occupying of Palestinian
territory (for 40 plus years), or her mistreatment of all Palestinians
receive the anti-Semitic label. Any criticism of Israel begets that
In discussions with Jewish defenders of the recent invasion of Gaza,
however, I found more defensiveness. During one argument an ardent pro
Israeli changed the subject. "But Israel enjoys free speech and press!"
Yes, a small minority vigorously criticize Israeli government policy --
there, not here in the United States, where a Member of Congress
characterized an attack by the Israeli lobby as the equivalent of a pit bull
biting him in the leg. Israeli's daily Ha'aretz provides an example of such
criticism, including articles damning the latest invasion as both a failure
and immoral (Gideon Levy, February 19, 2009). Similar criticism in a U.S.
newspaper would cause Foxman and company to call major press conferences to
"expose anti-Semitism." When Jimmy Carter published his 2006 book, Palestine
Peace Not Apartheid, critical of Israeli policy, Foxman stopped just short
of accusing the former President. "You have been feeding into conspiracy
theories about excessive Jewish power and control," he wrote in a letter.
"Considering the history of anti-Semitism, even in our great country, this
is very dangerous stuff." (Shmuel Rosner, Ha'artez Dec. 20, 2006)
When less powerful Jewish American scholars write books or give lectures
attacking Israeli policy, they get fired or their tenure withheld. Norman
Finkelstein (son of Holocaust survivors) was denied tenure in 2007 by the
President of DePaul University, despite favorable recommendations by faculty
and students. In 2000, he published The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on
the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering. The President of Bard College recently
dismissed Joel Kovel, another internationally applauded scholar. Kovel's
2007 book, Overcoming Zionism, triggered the action.
In the Finkelstein case, an important Zionist activist, Harvard Law
Professor Alan Dershowitz, demanded the action. He had threatened
Finkelstein with lawsuits after Finkelstein accused him of plagiarism and
lying -- charges documented in his 2005 book, Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse
of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History. (University of California Press)
Kovel attacked militant Israeli supporter Martin Peretz, longtime editor of
The New Republic.
The ADL supported both dismissals. In past decades, ADL vibrated with anger
over anti-Semitic signs spray painted on subway bathroom walls. Now, its
leader endorses a McCarthyite platform in his beloved Israel. Anyone who
does not conform to ADL's fiercely pro Zionist agenda becomes vulnerable to
accusations of anti-Semitism.
From 1998-2006, I occasionally invited speakers to campus who criticized
Israeli policy. Inevitably, I would then receive letters, e-mails (copies to
the University President), and phone calls accusing me of bias or being a
"self-hating Jew."
"How can you say that?" I asked one caller. "You don't know me."
"You're all alike, you people who hate Israel," the man responded.
"You're the Jew-hating Jew," I responded. "You hate me and don't know me. I
wish you could listen to your own voice."
"I know anti-Semites when I talk to them," he shouted into the phone and
hung up.
"Long Live Israel," scream the U.S. fans. "Anyone who doesn't like our team
is an anti-Semite." I want to shout: "Go Back to Israel where you didn't
come from."
Saul Landau is Professor Emeritus, California State Polytechnic University,
Le 3 janvier 2009
Monsieur l’Ambassadeur,
Pour vous c’est shabat, qui devait être un jour de paix mais qui est celui de la guerre. Pour moi, depuis plusieurs années, la colonisation et le vol israélien des terres palestiniennes m’exaspère. Je vous écris donc à plusieurs titres :comme Français, comme Juif de naissance et comme artisan des accords entre l’Université de Nice et celle de Haiffa .
Il n’est plus possible de se taire devant la politique d’assassinats et d’expansion impérialiste d’Israël. Vous vous conduisez exactement comme Hitler s’est conduit en Europe avec l’Autriche, la Tchécoslovaquie .Vous méprisez les résolutions de l’ONU comme lui celles de la SDN et vous assassinez impunément des femmes, des enfants ; n’invoquez pas les attentats, l’Intifada. Tout cela résulte de la colonisation ILLEGITIME et ILLEGALE. QUI EST UN VOL.
Vous vous conduisez comme des voleurs de terres et vous tournez le dos aux règles de la morale juive. Honte à vous : Honte à Israël ! Vous creusez votre tombe sans vous en rendre compte. Car vous êtes condamné à vivre avec les Palestiniens et les états arabes. Si vous manquez de cette intelligence politique, alors vous êtes indigne de faire de la politique et vos dirigeants devraient prendre leur retraite. Un pays qui assassine Rabin, qui glorifie son assassin est un pays sans morale et sans honneur.
Que le ciel et que votre Dieu mette à mort Sharon l’assassin.
Vous avez subi une défaite au Liban en 2006.Vous en subirez d’autres, j’espère, et vous allez envoyer à la mort de jeunes Israéliens parce que vous n’avez pas le courage de faire la paix.
Comment les Juifs qui ont tant souffert peuvent ils imiter leurs bourreaux hitlériens ? Pour moi, depuis 1975, la colonisation me rappelle de vieux souvenirs, eux de l’hitlérisme .Je ne vois pas de différence entre vos dirigeants et ceux de l’Allemagne nazie.
Personnellement, je vous combattrai de toutes mes forces comme je l’ai fait entre 1938 et 1945 jusqu’à ce que la justice des hommes détruise l’hitlérisme qui est au cœur de votre pays. Honte à Israël.
J’espère que votre Dieu lancera contre ses dirigeants la vengeance qu’ils méritent. J’ai honte comme Juif, ancien combattant de la 2ème guerre mondiale, pour vous.
Que votre Dieu vous maudisse jusqu’à la fin des siècles ! J’espère que vous serez punis..
André Nouschi
Professeur honoraire de l’Université
publié le jeudi 8 janvier 2009
Serge Grossvak
Quelle honte, quel désespoir de voir ceux qui ont tant souffert, qui ont été tant terrorisés n'engendrer de leur passé qu'un abomineux dédain pour l'âme humaine !
Je suis juif et j'entends ces bruits, ces bombes, ces souffrances qui hurlent. C'est l'histoire qui me revient pour m'éclater à la face. L'histoire que mes parents m'ont légué pour honnir la guerre honteuse. Je suis juif et je vois le sang, le sang qui coule sous les bombes comme à Guernica. Je suis juif et je sais la révolte désespérée contre l'étouffement et la famine du ghetto de Varsovie. Je sais l'indifférence absolue qui précédait, comme à Gaza.
Je suis juif et je suis frère de racine et d'histoire de ces hommes d'Israël. Ces fils de victimes adossant aujourd'hui l'armure des bourreaux. Quelle honte, quel désespoir de voir ceux qui ont tant souffert, qui ont été tant terrorisés n'engendrer de leur passé qu'un abomineux dédain pour l'âme humaine !
C'est à désespérer. Est-ce la victoire posthume d'Hitler que cette sauvagerie distillée ? Est-ce sa victoire que ce reniement de l'humanisme ? Ah ma mère ! Je me souviens lorsqu'enfant tu me fis l'apprentissage de ce gardien d'immeuble qui vous avait averti, il était communiste, puis de ces religieuses vous extrayant d'un Paris devenu trop dangereux. Ah ma mère ! Je me souviens de ce poème d'Aragon où le résistant arménien avait pour derniers mots « vive le peuple allemand » devant les Nazis qui allaient l'achever. Ma mère, où se cache aujourd'hui la dignité de nos frères d'Israël ou de notre famille aveuglée de haine et de conquête ? Ma mère, il était dur de naître en portant les souffrances de vos vies, mais les enfants d'aujourd'hui vont devoir affronter bien pire : la honte !
Gaza martyr, Liban martyr, Jenine martyr et rien d'autre ne vibre dans leur âme qu'un énervement et une volonté de soumettre ! Que leur demeure t il de sens humain ? N'auraient ils plus qu'un Bush dans les os ?
Les Palestiniens perdent leurs chairs, leur sang, leur terre.
Les juifs perdent leur âme, aveuglément engagés derrière l'État d'Israël.
L'horreur s'ajoute à l'horreur sans jamais permettre qu'émerge une étincelle d'intelligence. L'intelligence, la bonne intelligence…. La Paix ! Cette Paix qui en tout lieu du monde a la même science : celle du respect partagé. Cette Paix de Kant pour tous les peuples de la terre.
Ce respect est honteusement dénié en affamant, en occupant, en excluant, en dominant. Ce dénie qui légitime la rage et fait monter les haines. Ce dénie qui rend impossible la fin des armes et des souffrances. Ce dénie qui nous plonge dans un massacre récurent où la vie n'a plus la valeur d'une vie.
Le respect, c'est le Droit, partout dans le monde. Le respect, c'est Israël entrant dans la Loi du monde, comme tout le monde. La Loi du monde délimite des frontières depuis 40 ans. Au-delà de ces frontières rien n'est à régenter, à occuper. Des frontières où commence la liberté des autres. Des frontières, tout simplement, comme partout dans le monde. Des frontières pour que monte le respect, premier pas, tout premier pas des humains.
Pour que demain les peuples partagent leurs rêves et que les frontières soient une invitation amicale aux rencontres.
Serge Grossvak 07/01/09
By Paul J. Balles
8 March 2009
Paul J. Balles considers how Zionists in positions of authority at
academic institutions in the United States are persecuting and defaming
anyone who dares to criticize Israel or even mention Palestinian rights.
About the worst thing one can do in America or Europe is to criticize
Israel. “Freedom” even in academia doesn’t allow critical comments about
Israel or Zionism. Those who risk it can lose their jobs and be labelled
anti-Semitic bigots.
Joel Kovel was terminated from Bard College after 20 years of service
because of "differences between myself and the Bard administration on
the issue of Zionism". The president of Bard, Leon Botstein, didn’t
consider Kovel’s critiques of Zionism to be protected academic freedom.
The worst of the critic bashers is Harvard Law Professor Alan
Dershowitz. He spearheaded a campaign against Norman Finkelstein's
tenure for writing Beyond Chutzpah, documenting in detail the
falsifications in Dershowitz's book The Case for Israel.
After being denied tenure, Finkelstein said: "I met the standards of
tenure DePaul required, but it wasn't enough to overcome the political
opposition to my speaking out on the Israel-Palestine conflict."
In his 2008 book, The Case Against Israel's Enemies, Dershowitz defamed
many who have been critical of Israel, calling them bigots or labelling
them anti-Semitic. Dershowitz has led the pack attacking Israel’s critics.
On former President Jimmy Carter, Dershowitz wrote: "Whatever the reason
or reasons for Jimmy Carter's recent descent into the gutter of bigotry,
history will not judge him kindly."
Attacking University of Chicago Professor John J. Mearsheimer and
Harvard University Professor Stephen M. Walt, who together authored The
Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (2007), Dershowitz wrote: "They are
hate-mongers who have given up on scholarly debate and the democratic
process in order to become rock-star heroes of anti-Israel extremists."
Writing about the British University and College Union (UCU) boycott of
Israeli educators and academic institutions, Dershowitz explained how he
and others "wrote an op-ed piece for the Times of London, in which we
demonstrated parallels between this boycott and previous anti-Jewish
boycotts that were undoubtedly motivated by anti-Semitism".
On another front, Roosevelt University of Chicago at Illinois fired a
philosophy and religion professor for allowing students in his class to
ask questions about Judaism and Islam. The chair of the department,
Susan Weininger, fired the professor, Douglas Giles, saying that
students should not be allowed to ask whatever questions they want in class.
Weininger said that free discussion in world religions could "open up
Judaism to criticism". Any such material, she said, was not permissible
to be mentioned in class discussion, textbooks or examinations. Further,
she ordered Giles to forbid any and all discussion of the "Palestinian
issue", any mention of Palestinian rights, the Muslim belief in the
holiness of Jerusalem, and Zionism. When Professor Giles refused to
censor his students, Weininger fired him.
One of the worst types of Zionist harassment involves cases of Muslims
generally and Palestinians in particular for speaking out on behalf of
their favourite causes. The US government has often been complicit in
these cases.
One such case involves Dr Sami Al-Aryan who taught computer engineering
at the University of South Florida before his arrest in 2004. Al-Arian
was charged with raising money and otherwise assisting Palestinian
Islamic Jihad, a group the US government declared a terrorist
organization in 1995. At trial in 2005, he was acquitted on eight of 17
counts, and the jury deadlocked on the other counts.
All counts were trumped up by Zionist prosecutors who wanted to silence
Al-Aryan. If anything could vaguely approach justice in this case, the
Israelis who have been slaughtering Palestinians for half a century
would have been labelled terrorists and brought to trial for committing
much worse deeds than Al-Aryan.
The gravest injustice allows Zionists to silence honest critics for
violating the Zionist taboo.
Paul J. Balles is a retired American university professor and freelance
writer who has lived in the Middle East for many years. For more
information, see http://www.pballes.com.